Friday, January 22, 2021

Let's listen to the child's feelings

Let's listen to the child's feelings

No child can admit that he is weak, that he has lost. However, not all children have the same abilities. You would expect them to be at the forefront of sports, but the child was not interested. Or he may not have tried. So the friend overtook him.

This time you asked them, "Are you only second or third?" Why can't you be the first? '

Does he just not pay attention when you tell him something to do? Or does he just not pay attention when you tell him something to do?

The child had already tried to win. At least participated in sports. This was also a positive thing. You don't have to look at his positive side. He also participated in the exam. Tried to write. Some questions could not be resolved. Even now he had tried. You should be happy with what he did.

But, you are upset that your child did not get first in the exam or did not get good marks. You think your child is weaker than others. And, he expressed this sadness to them. It does not inspire or motivate them. Instead, pressure builds.

That is, your expectations become a mental burden or pressure for children. The pressure never makes progress. Instead, it weakens the child's morale. They lose the creative ability. So you have to understand that what you expect from them is just pressure.

You did not allow the child to dress as they wished. He didn't let me go to play with my friends. When he was hungry, he refused to eat. All this puts pressure on the child. Pressure always makes them weak and discouraged.

Your child failed the exam. He could not surpass everyone in sports. So is your child vulnerable?

You think, 'Yes, they are weak.'

You made your children feel weak because you compared them to others. When you get here, you have to keep in mind that no child can be compared to anyone else. Because children are born with their own talents and abilities. They are born with no innate strength. Their interests, desires, goals are determined by the environment in which they grow up, home environment, friends, family culture, etc. This is also improving their skills.

To understand the child. Read their temperament and tendencies. What do they want What are they interested in? Create a conducive environment accordingly.

Don't think of your child as a robot, a human being who does everything remotely according to your remote. You do not create the child according to your interests, but you create the appropriate environment according to the child's interests.

Your child is human. He has also brought some weaknesses in his birth. He can make human error. Don't assume that your baby needs to be perfect. No one in the world is perfect. Even warriors who set out to conquer the world are not perfect. They also have some shortcomings, weaknesses.

So don't forget to dig into your child's shortcomings. Give the child the environment to grow according to their interests and abilities. Give them freedom. Understand their interests and desires.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Restful sleep and physical health

Restful sleep and physical health

There are so many dreams that you don't want to forget. And, how many dreams are there that make you an interpreter? After seeing such dreams, we try to satisfy ourselves, 'Dreams are dreams after all.'

But, where does our mind easily understand?

Because many stories connected with dreams are rooted in our minds and brains. We have struggled with what a dream looks like and what its fruit is. We consider some dreams as ominous signs. We consider some dreams as auspicious signs. What is a dream?

Of course, there have been many discoveries in this regard. Some have considered it a reflection of the subconscious mind, some have interpreted it as an event-accident connected with the past and the future, some have compared it to a mere mental state.

When we sleep, we dream. Sleep is a state of physical rest. In this state, some parts of our body rest. Dreaming while sleeping like this is not considered good, especially in terms of physical health.

Deep sleep is essential for good physical health. Deep sleep is that in which no dream disturbs us. However, for various reasons, we are unable to get a good night's sleep. Dreaming Why does the dream appear, how does it appear, what is the effect of it? Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person.

However, now we will focus on why we have nightmares.

Most of us have a good night's sleep. When the eyes blink, nightmares haunt us. The heartbeats. Our sleep opens. Sometimes this kind of situation cannot be considered serious. However, if such a dream constantly disturbs sleep, it causes mental and physical problems.

Is it because of stress or depression that you have nightmares while you are sleeping? There is room for doubt.

One study says, "Depression is the main reason you have nightmares."

Researchers from the University of Finland and the Finnish National Institute of Health and Welfare conducted a joint cross-sectional survey in 2007 and 2012. The participants in the survey were in the age group of 25 to 74 years.

Researchers found that 3.9 percent of people had nightmares almost every night for the past 30 days. Of those, 4.8 percent were women and 2.9 percent were men. It found that 28.1 percent of people have such dreams due to depression. Besides, 17.1 percent of people had nightmares due to lack of sleep.

The researchers found that this type of nightmare was caused by insomnia, fatigue, depression, and a negative attitude towards oneself.

So he suggested, "If you want to get a good night's sleep, you need to get rid of stress or depression."

Why drink enough water in winter?

Why drink enough water in winter?

As the cold starts, our food intake increases, but our water intake decreases. Our body is 55 to 75 percent water. The body spends a lot of water in conducting its activities.

For example, breathing day and night consumes about a quarter glass of water. Significant amounts of water are also used to flush out toxins from the body in the form of sweat and urine.

So only repeated water piers can compensate for the water we have used.

Due to the amount of water in the body, people can suffer from constipation, gas, or other problems in winter. So to avoid such problems, you should pay attention to food.

The less fat the human body has, the greater the capacity of the muscles to hold water. Therefore, thinner people have more water in their bodies than obese people.

If the body is less than 10 percent fluid, the risk of dehydration increases in any season. Therefore, it is important to drink water frequently to keep the body healthy, energetic, and to function properly.

Lack of clean drinking water can lead to various diseases. We drink less water in winter because we feel less thirsty. Dehydration is dangerous for health.

So even in winter, we should drink at least 2-3 liters of water or liquids like lemon water, coconut water, green tea lassi, etc.

Our body system is so simple that when the body needs water it informs us that it is thirsty. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person.

Some do not like to drink water. The amount of water in a day depends on our physical structure, way of working, and environment.

The American Institute of Medicine has conducted a study on the adequacy of water for the body. The study suggested that men should drink 3 liters of water a day and women 2.2 liters of water a day.

We don't like to drink water in winter. Although tea, coffee, or other liquids provide some water to the body in winter, it cannot compensate for the loss of water.

Only low-calorie fluids keep the body fit. We think that drinking tea, coffee, or soup instead of drinking cold water in winter compensates for the water, but that alone is not enough. We have to drink enough water.

People are confused about when to drink water and when not to.

Some people say that the digestive system shouldn't drink water half an hour before or half an hour after a meal, while some people say that it is better to drink water in between meals.

The American Chemical Society conducted a study in this regard. According to the study, drinking water before meals has resulted in a weight loss of about 2.5 kg in 3 months.

Studies have shown that water taken before meals helps in consuming 75 to 90 percent fewer calories in food. After eating, food reaches the small intestine.

There, the process of separating the vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins, etc. in the food begins. In this process, water acts as a proper lubricant.

According to the study, drinking water between meals is very beneficial in food digestion. Similarly, it is not good to drink water while consuming fruits because the acid in the stomach fights with the bacteria of the fruit, thus water reduces the energy and strength of the acid.

Adequate water intake relieves fatigue and stress. As well as keeping people fresh, it also plays a big role in brightening the skin.

Water is a natural nutrient and cleanser. It makes the rough and dandruff-faced face shiny and spotless.

Diseases that afflict in winter

Diseases that afflict in winter

There are many health problems in winter. For example, cold, joint pain, asthma. At this time, the risk of heart disease also increases. Similarly, winter can lead to depression in some people. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the physical problems that occur in winter and to take the necessary precautions in this regard.

Heart attack

Most of us have a laid back attitude when it comes to painting a picture about winter. As the temperature drops, the arteries that bleed become narrower. This makes it harder for the heart to pump blood.

According to experts, people over the age of 30 should not be too tired in cold weather. Instead of going for a walk on a cold morning, go to a sunny place.

Asthma attacks

If you have asthma, you may know that your asthma increases a lot during the winter. In this way, cold and dry air tightens the airways and makes breathing worse.

So making some changes in your lifestyle in winter can definitely be helpful. Keep your home smoke-free as it makes it very difficult for asthma sufferers. Also, wash your bed at least once a year.

Itchy skin

One of the most common problems people face in cold weather is itchy skin. The skin starts itching due to low humidity in cold weather.

You can massage the skin with almond, coconut, or olive oil to prevent itching. Also, avoid eating greasy street food. You can also drink Sakhkar tea to get rid of the problem of itchy skin.

Joint pain

Many people suffer from joint pain in winter. The first step in relieving joint pain is to keep yourself and your feet warm.

So instead of wearing one warm cloth, wear two or three thin cloths. Exercise should be done to avoid joint pain and muscle pain during cold weather. Another way to get rid of joint pain is to bask in the sun for a while.


Headaches, runny noses, and colds are common problems. The problem of sinusitis occurs when the house is closed and there is no proper ventilation.

You need to get enough rest to stay away from sinusitis in this season. Also, eat healthily, avoid colds, and drink plenty of fluids. Also, stay away from dust.