Showing posts with label physical. Show all posts
Showing posts with label physical. Show all posts

Sunday, August 28, 2022

How to massage for physical and mental refreshment?

How to massage for physical and mental refreshment?

Massage or massage is a popular method used for the treatment of various diseases since ancient times. It is considered a natural medicine method that has been used since 3000 BC.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

What is yoga?

What is yoga?

The word "Yoga" in itself is like a complete science that unites body, mind, soul, and universe. The history of yoga is about 5000 years old, known in ancient Indian philosophy as the practice of mind and body. Different styles of yoga combine physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation or relaxation.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Functional Exercise: Suitable for all physical exercises

Functional Exercise: Suitable for all physical exercises

Functional training is a physical exercise focused on a specific purpose. It also includes our daily routines. But for its usefulness, you can also consult the nearest fitness center or fitness teacher.

Functional training, which has become more prevalent in recent times, is introduced to the West differently from the traditional practice style. The purpose of this type of training depends on the person's age, fitness level, current health status, and goals. This game is useful for the player's best performance or even to improve the activities in daily life. Functional training is the activity that is done daily.

There are many trends in the fitness industry. One of which is functional training. The English word 'functional' introduces strength training in a whole new way. The American College of Sports Medicine classified global fitness trends in 2014 as eight types of functional training.

Functional training also improves coordination, balance, and physical awareness during physical exercise. Which also helps you avoid unnecessary injuries. There are some functional activities that you can include in your routine.

Over the past 10 years, there has been a global shift in the direction of training. However, in recent years, functional training has become popular. The concept of functional exercise and functional activity is as old as human consciousness.

What is functional training?

For many, exercise is a way to maintain and improve their quality of life, which remains at the heart of work training. Functional training is the pursuit of physical fitness through physical activity with a definite purpose.

Functional exercise benefits the whole body. Which benefits the whole body by practicing the upper body. Seats and benches are not usually used in functional practice training. Functional training helps people to be physically stable. With main stabilization, we can control our body through various physical activities. Core stabilization helps the older population to carry out activities in daily life more easily.

Things to understand in functional exercise:

- Rare isolation practice is done in it

- Move occurs in the whole body

- Helps to keep the body moving at all times.

- It helps in standardizing all the activities of daily life.

- Moves increase at various levels.

- Helps to maintain physical balance.

- Coordination and concentration are required.

Monday, February 8, 2021

First Aid: When an accident occurs suddenly

First Aid: When an accident occurs suddenly

Accidents or sudden physical problems can be faced at any time. So we have to be prepared for this. Especially mentally. For example, there was an accident. What to do immediately if you see a serious injury? What to do if someone suddenly gets into a fight while walking? What to do immediately if someone is bitten by a snake?

In this case, we have to work patiently. If there is a sudden problem, you need to know how to treat it first.

Suddenly I had a heart problem

-Keep the victim in a position where he can feel very comfortable.

-Sleep in an upright position on the ground. The knees should be raised slightly.

- Be aware of the victim. So he should be kept in the open air.

- Her heart rate, blood pressure, consciousness, etc. should be checked from time to time.

-If a person is having trouble breathing, he should put a pillow on his back and lift it slightly.

- Medicine should be given immediately by contacting the doctor.

- An ambulance should be called immediately as soon as the emergency is felt.

Asthma attack

- To put the person in a chair in a comfortable position. You should not sleep.

- Don't leave the victim alone. Don't crowd around.

-Asthma sufferers always have an inhaler and a relief puff with them, so a relief puff should be given without delay.

If unconscious

- Let's keep the victim in an open-air place. Let's not crowd around.

- It should be made taller by placing two or three pillows on the legs.

-If the hands and feet get cold, they should be warmed. Massage should be done.

- Water, lemon water, etc. should be allowed to drink.

If the bone is broken

- Do not shake around the injured area without support. There should not be any kind of pressure.

- If you have to shake, support the broken place with a cartoon, etc. And, it should be carefully tied with a cloth.

- To reduce swelling and reduce pain, ice should be rubbed on the affected area.

- Do not massage with oil without any assignment.

In case of fire

- If there is a fire in the clothes, do not run here and there, but roll the ground.

- Do not pour water on the burnt person, but wrap it with a blanket.

- The victim should be taken to a safe place and his clothes should be changed.

- Do not make the mistake of applying ice to the burn. Instead, add cold water.

- Ghee Kumari gel should be applied to the burn area to reduce pain or less burning.

In a road accident

-If there is bleeding, the bleeding area should be pressed hard to stop it. Or tied with a clean cloth.

- Accidental person's breathing and heart rate should be checked.

-If you get ahead or spinal injury during a road accident, don't let it move too much.

- If you are very frustrated or restless, you should massage the victim's hands and feet.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Restful sleep and physical health

Restful sleep and physical health

There are so many dreams that you don't want to forget. And, how many dreams are there that make you an interpreter? After seeing such dreams, we try to satisfy ourselves, 'Dreams are dreams after all.'

But, where does our mind easily understand?

Because many stories connected with dreams are rooted in our minds and brains. We have struggled with what a dream looks like and what its fruit is. We consider some dreams as ominous signs. We consider some dreams as auspicious signs. What is a dream?

Of course, there have been many discoveries in this regard. Some have considered it a reflection of the subconscious mind, some have interpreted it as an event-accident connected with the past and the future, some have compared it to a mere mental state.

When we sleep, we dream. Sleep is a state of physical rest. In this state, some parts of our body rest. Dreaming while sleeping like this is not considered good, especially in terms of physical health.

Deep sleep is essential for good physical health. Deep sleep is that in which no dream disturbs us. However, for various reasons, we are unable to get a good night's sleep. Dreaming Why does the dream appear, how does it appear, what is the effect of it? Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person.

However, now we will focus on why we have nightmares.

Most of us have a good night's sleep. When the eyes blink, nightmares haunt us. The heartbeats. Our sleep opens. Sometimes this kind of situation cannot be considered serious. However, if such a dream constantly disturbs sleep, it causes mental and physical problems.

Is it because of stress or depression that you have nightmares while you are sleeping? There is room for doubt.

One study says, "Depression is the main reason you have nightmares."

Researchers from the University of Finland and the Finnish National Institute of Health and Welfare conducted a joint cross-sectional survey in 2007 and 2012. The participants in the survey were in the age group of 25 to 74 years.

Researchers found that 3.9 percent of people had nightmares almost every night for the past 30 days. Of those, 4.8 percent were women and 2.9 percent were men. It found that 28.1 percent of people have such dreams due to depression. Besides, 17.1 percent of people had nightmares due to lack of sleep.

The researchers found that this type of nightmare was caused by insomnia, fatigue, depression, and a negative attitude towards oneself.

So he suggested, "If you want to get a good night's sleep, you need to get rid of stress or depression."

Friday, January 8, 2021

Yoga for the mental and physical health of children

Yoga for the mental and physical health of children

There are many types of yoga. The method of yoga, its benefits are also different. Children and adolescents can practice special types of yoga. Especially from the yoga they do, you can learn how to increase your intellectual capacity and improve your mental health.

In fact, the age to do yoga is in childhood. The body becomes flexible in childhood and adolescence. There is no complicated disease. Chronic illness is not caught. At this age, we have immense energy. So at this time, we can do any kind of yoga practice. You can also perfect yourself in so-called complex yogas.

Tomorrow when we become adults. You get old. At that time, due to some diseases and physical conditions, we could not practice many types of yoga. If you start doing it now, you can do that kind of practice for the rest of your life.

Yoga is one of the best methods of proper body exercise. Yoga is useful for making the body naturally strong, fit, and healthy. But, it not only makes us physically healthy, but it also makes us mentally strong. Yoga is useful for the purification of the body and mind.

Some yoga methods keep the brain healthy. Increases memory capacity. So when the body is strong, healthy, we are still mentally healthy. When the body is sick, problematic, then we can't accept many things even if we want to. Can't remember

So in this time of leisure, we can devote ourselves to yoga. There are natural methods like yoga, meditation, pranayama, which make us healthy, fit as well as positive, and happy.

For physical health

Yoga plays an important role in the physical development of a child. It makes their body flexible, agile, and strong. Yoga is important to keep fit and fine from childhood.

Increases concentration

Yoga removes disorders of the body. Blood flow is smooth. When the body is healthy, children are also mentally healthy. Similarly, yoga and meditation help to increase concentration in the brain and mind. As a result, they can easily recall what they read.

To increase the ability to fight the disease

Regular yoga also boosts a child's immune system. Because yoga makes internal organs naturally strong and healthy. As a result, external diseases cannot attack.

The first step in learning yoga is to set your own time. It is best to do yoga, especially in the morning. Yoga can also be done in the evening. You can also do yoga in the afternoon by combining your free time. That is, there is no set time for yoga. Morning is considered the best time.