Sunday, November 1, 2020

General rules to protect the kidneys

General rules to protect the kidneys

The function of the kidneys is to purify the blood in the body. When kidney function is impaired, the body becomes toxic. One load after another is added. Eventually, the whole body becomes weak and sick.

The treatment of kidney disease is cumbersome. Not only cumbersome but also expensive. Not only expensive but in some cases even impossible.

Doctors say that our bad habits cause kidney disease. Our diet is the cause of kidney disease. Some people have congenital kidney disease, while others have kidney disease due to external causes.

It is better to have kidney health than to seek treatment for kidney disease. For this, we need to change our habits.

Reduce salt intake

Salt is high in sodium. Excessive sodium intake can cause high blood pressure in the body. While many kidney problems are caused by high blood pressure, high blood pressure also causes kidney problems.

Not only that, but the consumption of too much salt also increases the chances of kidney stones. And, if you have kidney stones, if not treated in time, it can damage the kidneys.

Adequate water intake

Adequate water intake is essential to keep the kidneys healthy. Drinking three to four liters of water a day helps the kidneys excrete toxins from the body. But it is important to pay attention to the fact that even more than the required amount can affect the kidneys.

To control the disease

In the case of diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart-related problems, the disease should be controlled by taking medicine immediately in consultation with the doctor. Because many of these types of diseases affect the kidneys first, it is important to control various diseases in the body to keep the kidneys healthy.

Do not stop urinating

The best way to keep your kidneys healthy is to stop urinating or to urinate from time to time. Prolonged retention of urine can harm the kidneys. Also, having less urine, less than two liters of urine can also harm the kidneys, so it is important to keep the kidneys healthy and to see if there is any problem in the kidneys.

Balanced diet

Lately, people have been suffering from kidney-related problems at an early age due to poor diet, excessive consumption of junk food, and dehydration. Therefore, it is important to consume nutritious food including vitamins, minerals, and proteins to keep the kidneys healthy.

Eating a nutritious and balanced diet provides proper nutrition to the kidneys and increases its efficiency. While unhealthy, inedible and chemically mixed foods available in the market harm the kidneys and reduce its efficiency.

Consumption of liquids

Adequate water intake is just as important as fluid intake to keep the kidneys healthy. In particular, fruit juices, lentils, and other beverages provide the body with adequate amounts of fluids.

These fluids contain all the essential nutrients that the body needs. Consumption of soft drinks, tea, and coffee available in the market can adversely affect the kidneys. Therefore, it is important to always be careful not to consume such liquids.


Not only kidney patients but also common people should always take the medicine only after consulting a doctor before taking it. Just like in any pain, you should not take happy medicine. It can damage the kidneys badly.

Smoking and alcohol

Smoking and alcohol can also affect the kidneys. Smoking and alcohol poison the body. Due to which the kidneys lose their ability to work.


Research has shown that even obese people have a higher risk of developing kidney disease. This risk is twice as high in obese people as in normal people. Therefore, it is important to avoid obesity to avoid kidney-related diseases.

Regular health check-ups

The best way to prevent kidney damage is to have regular health checkups. Regular tests of urine, blood, and kidneys can prevent kidney-related diseases. Also, if someone in the family has diabetes, high blood pressure, heart attack, and cancer, regular health check-ups after the age of 30 can prevent kidney-related diseases and even serious diseases through early screening.

Natural remedies for colds

Natural remedies for colds

Now people get scared of the flu. They begin to doubt themselves, "Isn't Corona somewhere?"

The initial or common symptom of the corona is the common cold. While now the cold weather has started. Even in the cold, most people suffer from the common cold. In most cases, the flu is not considered as complicated. After a while, it heals on its own. If you are suffering from a cold, you should drink plenty of hot water, liquids and rest. After this, there is no need for medical treatment.

However, the elderly, the sick, and children are also at risk of being harassed a little more. They are at risk for pneumonia due to the cold. Therefore, it is important to take some precautions as winter begins.

With the onset of the common cold, many have a tendency to seek medication. However, home remedies are sufficient for the common cold. Similarly, it is best to take hot water steam when you have a cold. It opens the closed nose and also benefits the lungs. Steaming hot water from time to time can get rid of the problem of the cold quickly.

At the same time, some of these medicines can be used, which are easily available in your home. For example, basil water. Some basil leaves should be boiled in water and consumed. It also happens when chewing basil leaves. Basil is also suitable for other problems. In winter, colds are often accompanied by fever, pneumonia, bronchitis, sore throats, and lung problems. In this case, the consumption of basil is useful.

The use of basil does not make the chest feel cold. Even if it is cold, it produces phlegm. It also reduces chest pain. Basil has an amazing ability to have a healthy effect on the membranes of the respiratory system.

You should drink a mixture of ginger, chili, and basil tea, it has many health benefits. Basil leaves are needed to make tea. It should be dried and powdered. It requires well-ground pepper. The dry ginger powder should be mixed. Now boil this mixture in hot water. After boiling well, cover with a lid for about five minutes. One hundred grams of sugar should be added to it. It cures colds, headaches, nasal congestion, nausea, and obstruction of the airways.

Similarly honey and hot water. Hot water mixed with honey gives a lot of relief in colds. Similarly turmeric and milk. Mix a teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of hot milk and drink it.

Even if ginger juice is mixed with honey, the cough goes away. If you have a cold, boil ginger in milk or tea before going to bed at night. Tampa's health improves quickly. Boil cardamom in tea and drink it to cure a cold.

How can senior citizens live a healthy lifestyle?

How can senior citizens live a healthy lifestyle?

Diet and exercise are crucial factors for a healthy life for senior citizens. Physicians say that regular exercise does not require hospitalization, even in old age. A healthy diet and regular exercise are also important to avoid health problems such as osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia, depression, and various types of cancer.

What are the main things to consider for a healthy lifestyle?

- Alcohol should be used in moderation. Drinking more than one peg per day is harmful to health.

- Smoking should be stopped.

-You should take regular care of your teeth, such as brushing regularly, showing the doctor from time to time.

- Pay attention to regular primary health care. You should also see a doctor, learn about the side effects of the medication, and review your own health.

- Health care screening, prevention measures, and vaccinations should be consulted.

- Adequate sleep and clean sleep should be tried.

- Must be involved in social activities.

- It is better to be involved in voluntary service as much as possible. Some senior citizens enjoy volunteering.

Nutritious food for senior citizens

Nutritious food is very important for senior citizens. Senior citizens also need nutritious food to avoid the effects of heart and lung disease, vascular problems, diabetes, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, stroke, memory loss, various skin diseases, and visual problems.

The human body is made up mostly of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. The body needs important elements including fruits and vegetables, a variety of grains, a balanced and healthy diet containing fiber. You should also coordinate with your doctor on how much to eat in the intake of vitamins and minerals.

The quality of food is more important than quantity and type. The caloric intake of food should be following the metabolic needs of the body. Daily caloric targets between 1500 and 2000 are recommended for most adults. It is also important for a healthy body to be aware of the number of calories consumed daily.

Foods high in calories and limited in nutrients should also be controlled. For example, sodas, chips, cookies, donuts, and alcohol are just a few examples of foods and beverages consumed with empty calories.

Practice for senior citizens

Regular physical activity and exercise control the health problems that can appear in old age. Regular exercise by senior citizens helps control heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, osteoporosis, muscle weakness, various types of cancer, depression, and stroke.

Regular practice is beneficial for the following tasks

- To gain extra calories while maintaining weight

- To improve the ratio of good to bad cholesterol

- To maintain physical stability

- To optimize the health of the heart, lungs, circulatory system, bones, and muscles

- To increase the quality of sleep, etc.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Drinks that cancer patients should eat

Drinks that cancer patients should eat

We all understand cancer as a major disease. But with early detection and treatment, cancer can be completely cured. The disease causes the cancer cells in the affected area to grow uncontrollably, spread to other tissues, and the cancer cells that are growing uncontrollably die due to lack of oxygen in the blood.

Eventually, uncontrolled cell growth can lead to cancer deaths. The growth of cancer cells needs to be curbed to control or prevent cancer. This restraint is only possible when the environment outside the cell is completely natural.

The main reason for the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells is the disruption of the mechanism for controlling cell division by the accumulation of foreign substances in the extracellular environment. When foreign matter accumulates in the extracellular environment, these substances stimulate the dormant cell's carcinogenic gene to cause uncontrolled division. This uncontrolled growth is cancer and to get rid of it, the toxins present in the environment outside the cell must be purified. This is possible by consuming some naturally occurring fruit and vegetable drinks. Therefore, cancer patients should consume the following fruit juices.

1) Wheat germ juice:

Wheat germ is rich in chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is an antioxidant and antimutagenic compound in itself. The fact that chlorophyll intake increases red blood cells has also become public. As blood cells grow, they help kill cancer cells by delivering more oxygen to the cancerous tissue. Wheat germ also contains anti-cancer selenium and lytryl. Wheat germ contains 13 types of vitamins, 20 amino acids, and antioxidants. All of these elements are cancer-resistant.

2) Black Grape Juice:

Grapefruit contains a phytochemical called laminin which helps in removing carcinogens. Grape seed has been used mainly in the treatment of colon cancer. Grapes also contain an element called monoterpenes. Monitoring also plays a key role in removing carcinogens from the body.

3) Carrot juice:

Carrots are also a fruit rich in cancer-resistant phytochemicals. The beta carotene present in carrots plays a major role in the prevention, control, and treatment of skin cancer. Carrots also help heal wounds after cancer tissue damage.

4) Beetroot juice:

Packed with adequate amounts of antioxidants and vitamins, beets are a good source of carotenoids. The carotenoids present in beets play an important role in preventing all types of cancer. Carotenoids are also used to treat leukemia.

5) Tomato juice

Tomato is a treasure trove of vitamin C. In addition to vitamins, spinach contains many minerals and salts, such as sodium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and sulfur. Tomato juice is mainly fed for protest cancer. An ingredient called glutathione present in goulash protects cells from oxidative stress as well as strengthens the immune system.

6) Broccoli juice

Broccoli contains an element called indole-3 carbinol. Indole 3 carbinol plays a key role in the prevention, control, and treatment of breast cancer, cervical cancer, and ovarian cancer. Indole-3 cardinal is understood to be an ingredient that strengthens the estrogen hormone resistance and competition system.

7) Lettuce juice

Rich in sulfur, chlorine, silicon, and vitamin B complex, lettuce juice is useful for lung cancer.

8) Noni juice

Noni juice has the potential to cure first stage cancer. Noni juice destroys cancer cells and helps build white blood cells that eat cancer cells.