Bad stomach, bad mind

Bad stomach, bad mind

Mental health has a special relationship with the stomach. Who knows but the one who treats depression?

Dr. George Porter Phillips, a British psychiatrist, had a similar experience at the turn of the century.

One day Dr. Phillips visited the infamous Bethlehem Royal Hospital in London. This hospital was notorious for keeping psychiatric patients. Due to this, the hospital became infamous as a madhouse.

During the monitoring, Dr. Phillips realized that his patients often suffered from mental problems such as constipation, heartburn, and indigestion. Also, his nails were long and his hair was dull and his face was rough.

Generally, looking at such patients, it is estimated that the mental state of such people is not right and their mood is not right because they are not calm. So Dr. Another question came to Phillips' mind. He thought, isn't stomach upset the main reason for their depression? ‘Can their depression be reduced by treating their stomachs?’, He began to think.

Abdominal relationship with the brain

Aiming to find out about the relationship of the stomach with the brain, Dr. Phillips performed one experiment on 18 patients.

He removed all kinds of meat except fish from the patient's diet. Instead, he gave her fermented milk called 'K'.

This milk contains a bacterium called lactobacilli, which is considered beneficial for the stomach. It is said that lactobacilli bacteria help indigestion.

Dr. Philips' experiment was successful. Eleven of the patients he researched recovered completely. The mental health of two more patients improved significantly.

This was the first study to confirm that the stomach is related to the brain.

The other bacteria in our gut are deeply connected to our health. It also has to do with our mental health. It only took a century for the world to accept this. Dr. Phillips' research was not accepted by the next generation.

But now all the researchers doing research on intestinal bacteria have found that Dr. Philips' research has begun to be recognized. They believe that stomach bacteria have a direct bearing on our mental health.

What does the research say?

Jane Ellison Foster, a professor at McMaster University in Canada, says there is no doubt that stomach bacteria have a profound effect on the brain. That is, we can treat the brain by treating the bacteria in the stomach. There is a lot of potential for the development of new drugs.

According to Jane Ellison, stress causes a variety of factors. Stomach problems may be one of the reasons.

A person who has some stomach related problem, if the stomach of such a person is treated, the mind also feels relief.

Popular research on the subject was conducted in 2004 at Kyushu University in Japan.

For this, a mouse was raised in the university, which did not contain a single bacterium. These mice showed significant fluctuations in the hormones corticosterone and ACTH.

This problem occurs when there is stress. The findings show that the bacteria in the stomachs of other mice kept their mental health and brains in balance.

The bacteria were removed from the stomachs of these mice and put into sterile mice. The result was that stress was reduced in the first most stress-free, sterile mice.

The research also found that transplanting bacteria from mice to humans or from humans to mice can have an effect on mental health and the brain.

Communication between the intestines and the brain

Some species of germs protect the intestinal wall. As a result, the elements in the intestines cannot be absorbed into the bloodstream. Otherwise, there may be an upset stomach, heartburn, and stomach infection.

It is also said that the bacteria that protect the intestinal wall can cause mood swings and lethargy. If this problem persists for a long time, the patient may get depressed.

Bacteria in the gut also help digest hormones such as dopamine and serotonin.

Also, the brain controls the functioning of the intestines through a nerve called the vagus. The intestines and the brain communicate through the vagus nerve.

According to scientists, if the brain can transmit a message to the intestines through the vagus, then the effect of the intestine reaches the brain through the vagus itself.

According to Jane Ellison, scientists are constantly researching the relationship between the brain and intestinal bacteria. They believe that the bacteria in the gut can help reduce the risk of depression.

Treatment of human intestinal tract

At present, the medication given to reduce depression is not for all people. It may not be effective for everyone. Only two out of ten patients have been found to benefit from such drugs.

Therefore, scientists believe that the study of the relationship between the brain and intestinal bacteria can be found to find a cure for diseases such as depression.

So Dr. Whether it was Phillips' research in 1910 or the current one, all of this research is still in its infancy. Therefore, it is important to do more research on how to reduce the risk of depression by changing your diet.

According to Jane Ellison, every person has different types of bacteria in their gut. Therefore, the treatment of the disease varies according to the nature of the bacteria.

Therefore, the major need now is to divide these bacteria into a few different categories. So that a kind of treatment method can be developed for such patients.

The relationship of the intestine with the brain

American scientist Julio Lisinio also says that various researches will be done in the future based on the relationship between the brain and the intestines and will try to find a cure for depression.

But for now, doctors say the same thing, eating can keep the mind healthy. For this, it is advisable to adopt the food eaten in the countries around the Mediterranean Sea. This type of diet is high in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seafood, and vegetable oils, while red meat and sugar are used sparingly.

‘To confirm the deep connection between the mind and food,’ says Felice Jacka of Deakin University in Australia many statistics can be found. However, what we need is peace of mind. And, to keep the mind calm, food must be improved. '

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