Sunday, January 10, 2021

Keratin treatment to make hair healthy

Keratin treatment to make hair healthy

Hair is one of the most important parts of beauty. Strong, soft, long, and thick hair is the standard of beauty. In this age of fashion and glamor, the beauty of hair has a special effect on the overall personality. That is why attention has been paid to the proper decoration from hair care.

Haircuts are not just enough to make your hair look attractive, but many other things come along as well. How to strengthen hair? What color to decorate? How to design? These alone are not enough. It is important to style your hair according to your face or overall body. For this, it is important to understand how to style your hair according to your personality. And, in today's world, there is a growing awareness of hair. There are also many facilities now. Hair can be made to suit your taste.

Also, you need to know how to make your hair naturally attractive. Not only sound education but his alertness and dedication too are most required. A good alternative to this is keratin treatment.

What is a keratin treatment?

Keratin is the uppermost layer of our scalp. There are two types of keratin, one is alpha protein and the other is beta keratin. The keratin that is in our skin or hair is called alpha keratin. In keratin treatment, the hair is temporarily straightened. It contains a keratin solution that reaches the inside of the hair. Then a flat iron is used to straighten the hair.

It makes hair naturally strong, soft, thick, and healthy.

Who should do it?

Anyone can do keratin treatment. Keratin treatment is essential for everyone to keep their hair healthy.

Where to do

Keratin treatment can also be done at home. However, it is more effective if it is done by an expert or an expert in related work. So you can go to a reliable parlor and get the keratin treatment. It should be noted that many parlors are open for keratin treatment. But, you have to be able to find a place to treat it properly.

What are the benefits?

Keratin treatment provides essential nutrients to the hair. The keratin in our hair is being destroyed due to various reasons. As the keratin is destroyed, the hair becomes coarse. Therefore, it should be returned naturally from keratin treatment. Keratin makes hair healthy and soft.

Friday, January 8, 2021

Sleep is a medicine

Sleep is a medicine

As much as food and exercise are necessary for a healthy life, so is sleep. It is said that for a healthy life, one should get 7 or 8 hours of sleep daily. Children should sleep longer than this according to their age. Adults must get at least 8 hours of sleep.

Sleep should be deep. To get a good night's sleep, you need to be mentally and physically fit. The bed, the environment, the position, etc. can also affect our sleep.

Light exercise, pranayama before going to bed is said to be beneficial for a good night's sleep. The process of deep breathing and exhalation is also very beneficial.

According to architecture, it is better to sleep with the head facing east or north. Sleeping position and the earth's magnetic field also affect our health. You should not keep a very high pillow while sleeping. Sleeping on the left side is good for your health. Of course, we do not sleep in the same position all night. However, to sleep, when you lie down on the bed, you should lie on your left side. Why so

This makes it easier to digest food in the stomach and esophagus. When sleeping in this position, the pancreas properly releases enzymes to digest food. It digests food eaten at night. Those who have indigestion, upset stomach, they should lie down on the left side. The function of the liver is to extract bile juice, which helps digestion in the gallbladder. This action is done while lying on the left side. Because of this, fat is digested well. Fat does not accumulate in the liver.

Sleeping on the left side also relaxes the short and long intestines. This prevents constipation. After defecating in the morning, the stomach is cleansed. When you lie down on your left side, the toxins and disorders accumulated in the body are slowly released. Leaning to the left does not affect the liver and digestive system, food is well digested. When food is well digested, it does not cause many diseases. Sleeping on the left side does not put pressure on the heart. Because at this time the supply of blood from the heart is very large. When the heart is healthy, the supply of blood and oxygen is easy. It makes the body healthy.

In this way, the body's waste products are excreted by the liver and kidneys. So it should not be too much pressure while sleeping. Sleeping on the left side corrects the stomach, relieves fatigue, does not cause bloating and other problems of the body. Sleeping on the right side affects the body.