What should you pay attention to in the ninth month of pregnancy?

 What should you pay attention to in the ninth month of pregnancy?

The ninth month of pregnancy is the month when the baby is born. Therefore, by the time it reaches the ninth month, a lot of changes have taken place in the body of a pregnant woman.

At this time, health problems such as stomach ache, sometimes the stomach feels like a hard rock, even after drinking a little water, there is a sudden urge to urinate, but little urine comes out. Similarly, the movement of the baby inside the stomach is a little less than before.

Pregnant women may have different problems at this time. But usually in the ninth month, the problem of back pain due to the big stomach, difficulty in walking due to the baby's head coming down, lack of appetite, stomach cramps even after eating a little.

Things pregnant women should be aware of

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Especially at this time, if water flows from the genitals, blood appears along with the water, and the movement in the baby's stomach is very low, you should see a doctor immediately.

Is it necessary to take any medicine at this time or not?

Iron and calcium supplements should be taken regularly during pregnancy. In addition, the doctor prescribes other medicines after looking at the condition of the pregnant woman.

What women who are taking medication for chronic diseases should pay attention to

Especially at this time, medicine should be taken under the supervision of a doctor. Do not self-medicate. Because the dose of chronic disease medicine may need to be increased or changed according to the condition of the pregnant woman.

Taking chronic medicine does not have any negative effect on the unborn child. Because doctors have classified drugs as A, B, C, D and E according to the condition and disease of pregnant women. Medicines are given accordingly. Similarly, some people have high blood pressure before, while some people have it after pregnancy.

What should you pay attention to when taking long-term medicine during pregnancy?

Pregnant women who are taking medication for chronic diseases should take the medication under the supervision of a doctor. Because some chronic disease drugs have many side effects and some drugs have less side effects. Likewise, if a pregnant woman has diabetes, eating less sugary, greasy, and bitter foods along with medication, and eating little by little but in short bursts can keep diabetes in balance.

What medicine should not be taken during pregnancy?

There is no drug that should not be taken during pregnancy. Rather, it is about what medicine to take and how much to take for what purpose. But you should take the doctor's advice while taking medicine. Self-medication can be dangerous.

What to do if you are constipated during pregnancy?

Constipation can occur due to diet, lack of water in the body during pregnancy. At this time, as the body's hormones are changing, as well as having to take iron and calcium medicine regularly, constipation can be a problem.

In such a situation, you can eat plenty of green vegetables, vegetables, fruits, pulses, eat plenty of fiber foods, exercise regularly, and drink at least two liters of water every day with meals. In the same way, instead of lying on your back, if you are careful not to stand for a long time, you can use medicine if constipation is not cured.

It is better to avoid constipation during pregnancy as much as possible. For that, you can avoid eating greasy, bitter, sour food, not consuming junk food, drinking plenty of water, and eating plenty of fiber-rich foods.

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