Sunday, July 31, 2022

What is adenovirus? How do protect children?

What is adenovirus? How do protect children?

The number of children infected with the adenovirus is increasing in Kathmandu Valley hospitals. Pediatrician Dr. Ramahari Chapagain says that the number of children coming to Kanti Children's Hospital, Maharajganj with fever, cold, loose stools, red eyes, and stomachaches has been increasing for the past few weeks.

According to the doctor, although the virus infection shows various symptoms, it does not cause any serious health complications. This virus appears every year. Adenovirus is like any other virus. This is a virus like other cold and fever viruses. Chapagain says, 'Adenovirus infection causes more complications in those with reduced immunity.

But, Dr. Parents are advised not to panic as Chapagai virus infection occurs every year.

What kind of adenovirus is it, what complications does it cause, and how long does it last? Dr. with a pediatrician on the subject. Pushparaj Chaulagai with Chapagai

Edited excerpts from the conversation:

What is adenovirus?

Adenovirus is not a new type of virus. It is a common virus like any other virus. Like other viral colds, this virus causes fever, runny nose, red eyes, abdominal pain, loose stools, and urinary tract infections.

What are the symptoms that distinguish adeno from other viruses?

Adeno and other viral infections usually cause fever and cold in children. However, after the infection of the adenovirus, most the children have itchy eyes, red eyes, reluctance to eat, pain in different parts of the body, stomach ache, diarrhea and some children also have urinary tract infections.

Cold and fever in adeno virus lasts for many days than other colds. In the case of other influenza virus infections, the fever is 99/100 degrees, while in the adenovirus infection, the fever is up to 102/103 degrees. At other times, most viral fevers last for three to four days, while adenoviruses last for at least five days to two weeks.

How is the infection transmitted to children?

Viruses such as rhino, influenza or adeno that cause colds are mainly transmitted in two ways. The first is transmitted through saliva. Adeno virus spreads more when two or three children are together when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Similarly, the infection is transmitted from an infected person through breathing or eating.

What age group of children are coming to the hospital?

Adenovirus does not only affect children. It affects people of all age groups. Not all children have symptoms or signs of adenovirus infection. Children who have weak immune system have more symptoms. Therefore, the younger the children, the more the symptoms appear. Because small children have less ability to fight disease. As adenovirus infection spreads through breathing, most children are likely to be infected while going to school. Therefore, as much as possible, children should not be allowed to hang out in one place.

How contagious is this virus?

Influenza virus causes many colds in children. This virus is not more contagious like influenza, rhino virus. It is not a strong virus that can spread many infections or cause death. Adeno virus attacks children throughout the year.

In what condition to take to the hospital?

If there are two or four children in our house, common cold and fever keep coming. This is how our children grow up. But parents need not panic because adeno is a new virus. But adenovirus infection causes more fever than other viruses. If you have fever, runny nose, and itchy eyes, only seropathic treatment is given. In case of such problems, children should be given more care.

In order to reduce the fever, you should give normal citamol, give soft food, make him rest, and give more soft things. But if complications are seen in children that they will be fine in two weeks, they should not be kept at home. For example, if the fever reaches 102/103 degrees and does not get better even for a week, if the child is lethargic along with the fever, if he/she vomits frequently, if the breathing changes rapidly, if he/she coughs, he/she should be brought to the hospital immediately. Treatment should be started immediately according to the doctor's advice. Children should not be given unnecessary medicine because they have a fever of 103/104 degrees at home.

What is the treatment method for the virus?

There is no specific treatment for this virus. Adeno virus treatment should reduce fever, make you rest, feed soft food, and feed a lot of soft drinks. Hospitalization is required only in cases where the virus has caused some complications. Like typhoid or urine infection medicine. Similarly, there is no medicine available against adenovirus. Because this virus will disappear by itself.

What is the enrollment and mortality rate?

Now parents have brought a large number to the OPD saying that their children have high fever or the child is difficult. But the number to be admitted is less compared to the OPD. Children should be admitted only if they have pneumonia or very bad urination. The number of deaths due to this virus is low. No child has died due to this virus in the last three weeks.

How to be careful?

Avoid going to crowded places unless necessary to avoid adenovirus. Children with symptoms such as cold, fever, eye watering should be kept away. Similarly, frequent hand washing with soapy water, personal hygiene and special attention should be paid to diet.

How long will this virus last?

Adeno virus infection does not show symptoms to everyone. Symptoms or signs of excess go away in five-seven days. The rest of the children are fine in a week. In some children, the problem may last for two weeks. Since last three weeks, many children of Kathmandu Valley have been infected. The chain of infected children infecting other children has reached half way. In the next two or three weeks, the adenovirus will go away on its own.

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