Friday, March 5, 2021

Medicinal properties of lemongrass

Medicinal properties of lemongrass

The main ingredient in lemongrass is lemon or citral, which has antifungal and anti-microbial properties. Lemongrass is good for health.

Lemongrass is a good source of vitamins A, B, C, and folate. Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron found in it are necessary for the body to be healthy and function.

The antioxidant (phenolic compound) found in it acts as a medicine to prevent various diseases in the body. Here are the benefits of consuming lemongrass:

Lowers cholesterol

Lemongrass has antihypertensive lipidomic and antihypertensive cholesterol properties that help keep cholesterol levels healthy. According to a study, daily consumption of lemongrass improves triglyceride levels and helps lower LDL cholesterol in the body.

Removes toxins from the body

Lemongrass helps in removing harmful toxins accumulated in the body. After the toxins are released from the body, the organs of the bodywork well.

It helps to reduce the level of uric acid in the body. Due to the diuretic properties found in lemongrass, frequent urination and excretion of toxins through urine. It also improves your digestive health.

Eliminates stomach problems

According to a study, lemongrass has anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties that help fight stomach infections. It also helps to improve the digestive system and prevent ulcers such as gastrointestinal disorders. Lemongrass can also be used to get rid of constipation.


Due to the antiseptic and astringent properties found in lemongrass, it is very beneficial for the skin. It acts as a very good cleanser for oily skin and helps to remove blemishes from the skin.

Removes body odor

Lemongrass is used to make deodorant. The antibacterial found in it helps to get rid of body odor. Also prevents fungal and bacterial infections.

Strengthens the immune system

Lemongrass helps in maintaining proper digestion, respiration, and the nervous system. It helps the body absorb essential nutrients from food which strengthens our immune system.

What are the sources of essential fatty acids for the body?

What are the sources of essential fatty acids for the body?

Fatty acids are a type of body fat. Foods are the source of most fatty acids. Like last, almonds.

We get omega 3 fatty acids from both vegetarian and non-vegetarian sources. Omega 3 also boosts the body's immune system. So we can get fatty acids from many foods. However, only a few of these foods provide the right amount. It transmits energy to your body. Not only this, but it also protects you from heart disease, allergies, or depression.

The seed of laziness

In addition to many nutrients, lazy seeds are also rich in omega 3 and lignans. It is a good source of both soluble and insoluble fiber and protein. It can be taken up to three grams in a day. It can also be consumed by making pickles.

Cannabis seeds

Cannabis seeds also contain some nutrients. In addition to fatty acids, it contains protein, vitamin E, and minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulfur, calcium, iron, and zinc. Its use will benefit you.

After all

Other is not only a good source of fatty acids but also a good source of protein and dietary fiber. It also contains manganese, copper, phosphorus, and magnesium. So you can eat it daily.


Almonds are a great source of fatty acids. Eating peanuts daily has many benefits for your body. So it is always advisable to consume peanuts.

Olive oil

Olive oil is very beneficial. It is rich in fatty acids. So consume this oil daily.

All grains

When eating out you should pay attention to what you are eating. The grain is very important for the body. It also contains fatty acids. It has great utility.

The white part of the egg

Egg whites are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. It also contains 9 percent calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, thymine, vitamins B6 and B12, folic acid, and pathogenic acid.


Salmon is also a good source of fatty acids, vitamin D, niacin, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, and selenium. But, we should not consume more than 100 grams of it. Lightly roasting or steaming salmon is more beneficial than frying.


You may not know that some of the vegetables we eat are harmful to our bodies. But, if you eat greens, you will get the properties of fatty acids in them.

Hilsa fish

Did you know that fish is rich in protein? And, it is important to know that hilsa fish is rich in protein as well as fatty acids. So its use is beneficial for the body.

Tea seeds

When you eat tea seeds, you get all the properties of fatty acids. So be sure to consume it.


Blueberries are a good source of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. It is also rich in omega 3. Blueberries alone contain about 174 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acids.

Mustard oil

Mustard oil is low in saturated fat and contains both omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids. Among other oils, soybean, other, lazy oil, etc. are also beneficial. However, it should be consumed in a balanced amount. Do not take more than 3 to 4 teaspoons in a day.


Soybeans are a strong source of fatty acids in our bodies. Soybeans contain protein, isoflavones, fiber, lecithin, carbohydrates, and micronutrients. Its milk can also be consumed. Those who do not like cow and buffalo milk and yogurt can drink soybean milk.

Five Ways to Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Five Ways to Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Now, most of our time is spent on the screen. Especially as the use of mobile is increasing, the 'screen time' has lengthened. At the same time, we are spending more time on computers and laptops. It has affected our eyes the most. On top of that, the eyesight is getting weakened due to pollution and bad lifestyle.

How to keep the eyes healthy? It has five simple rules.

1. Good food

Eating is also related to eyesight. Some foods help increase eyesight. For example, fish, spinach, fruits, and green vegetables.

2. Blinking eyes

Blinking helps keep the eyes healthy. It keeps the eyes fresh and stress-free. People who use computers blink less. Such people need to blink their eyes every second.

3. Eye exercises

You can also keep your eyes healthy by doing some eye exercises. For this, you should rub both your hands together and when the hand is hot, you should lightly place it over your eyes. This reduces eye strain.

4. Sprinkle with water

You should wash your eyes with clean water from time to time. This prevents dehydration in the eyes and keeps them healthy. When you return home from outside, you should wash your face and splash water in your eyes.

5. Regular checks

People with poor eyesight should have their eyes checked regularly. Even if your eyesight is good and you have no difficulty reading or writing, you should have your eyes checked at least once a year.

Aorta Aneurysm: How to tell if an artery is swollen or has a problem?

Aorta Aneurysm: How to tell if an artery is swollen or has a problem?

An abnormally swollen condition in a part of the aorta artery is called an aorta aneurysm. This dilation can occur in any part of the aorta artery. Which is round in shape like a tube. In some cases, normal swelling also shows another shape. Tube-shaped aortic aneurysms are known as fusiform and round-shaped aortic aneurysms.

The aorta is the largest blood vessel in the body. The aorta artery is considered to be the strongest artery. But due to some health conditions, this artery becomes weak. Due to which any part of the artery becomes swollen due to blood pressure. Many times the pressure on the blood causes the artery to rupture. Which can cause bleeding inside the body.

Types of aorta aneurysms

Aorta aneurysms are of two main types. It depends on where the aneurysm occurred. There are two main types of aortic aneurysms.

Abdominal aortic aneurysm

It occurs in the part of the aortic artery that runs from the inside of the abdomen.

Thoracic aortic aneurysm

A thoracic aortic aneurysm occurs in that part of the artery. Part of which protrudes from the inside of the chest.

Symptoms of an aorta aneurysm

The symptoms of an aortic aneurysm usually depend on its type. In some cases, the condition can be serious or normal. This artery starts from the heart and goes through the chest to the abdomen. This can be a problem for the chest. Aortic aneurysms are also a problem that usually develops slowly. In some cases, this problem can lead to arterial rupture. While some problems continue to grow and eventually burst. An aortic aneurysm is increasing rapidly. It is just as difficult to find.

The following symptoms can be seen in the case of an abdominal aneurysm.

- Abdominal pain

- Flatulence

- Unnatural cold feet

- Weight loss

- Fever

- Pain in the lower back

- Problems in physical activity

The time when the thoracic aneurysm is increasing. In that case, the following problems may appear.

- Chest pain

- Chest pain as soon as it is touched

- Sore throat

- Coughing

- Having trouble breathing

- Problems with deep breathing

When to see a doctor?

At some point, a complicated situation may appear. In this case, you should see a doctor immediately. In such cases, the following symptoms appear.

- Severe pain in the upper and lower part of the waist

- Severe pain in the chest, neck, and shoulders

- Feeling difficult to breathe

Due to an aorta aneurysm

About three-quarters of aortic aneurysms are caused by the arterial injury. Arterial injury is also called atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis occurs then. When cholesterol or fat starts to build up inside the arteries. If you have high blood pressure, smoking, or someone in your family who has had this problem before, this problem may recur.

In atherosclerosis, collagen or elastin intensity may be absorbed. These are both special types of proteins. Which helps to strengthen the structure of the artery. Several other causes can cause aortic aneurysms.

- High blood pressure

- Infection

- Injury around the artery

- Increased cholesterol

Treatment of aortic aneurysm

Aortic aneurysms are treated differently depending on their size, severity, and which part of the artery is affected. It is usually treated with abdominal surgery or endovascular surgery. Physicians test it before surgery. To make sure that the patient can be operated on or not.

Apart from this, treatment is also sought by giving some medicine based on the patient's moment or the severity of the disease. This medicine is given to reduce the pain immediately if the problem is tested early or if there is a lot of pain.