Thursday, January 7, 2021

How to manage stress?

How to manage stress?

Sadness, pain, stress, depression are mental disorders that we never do well. Such things make us mentally weak. When we are mentally weak, we cannot be physically fit and capable.

Before blaming others for every problem, one should try to find one's weaknesses by looking at oneself in the mirror of one's inner self. Only if we learn to control our minds can we feel the change within ourselves?

Nowadays, even in common parlance, negative words like 'tension', 'stress' and 'depression' are often heard from the mouths of many people. The question may arise, is there really so much stress in our lives?

Even if there really is such a problem, can't it be got rid of?

It is time for all of us to think calmly about why we are making life so complicated. The easiest way to find peace of mind is to stay away from negative thoughts.

We have to get the word 'stress' out of our dictionary forever because nowadays even small children at home are saying 'I'm very stressed' when they hear something bigger than themselves.

Repeating such negative things over and over for no reason can lead to stress in the end.

The power of mantras is considered very important in Eastern culture. The mantra is full of positive energy. People who listen to it feel better when it is repeated.

Repeatedly chanting mantras increases people's morale. Just as mantras have a positive effect on our lives, so too when negative words like stress and depression are repeated over and over again, negative energy is transmitted to the whole environment.

Why are we angry? We all face some kind of situation in life when there are many desires but nothing is fulfilled.

Another situation is when unwanted situations and unwanted people come in front of us and we get angry.

Forget about other things and think about your child. Do they accept everything you say? If not, think about it, why expect it from other relatives, friends, or co-workers when our children are not doing what we want them to do?

People from different families have no similarities in culture and ideas. Because of this difference, it is very difficult to coordinate with others.

A person's good or bad culture influences their every decision. For the same reason, there can be ideological differences between husband and wife in the family. Due to this, there is no coordination among the people working together in the office.

Knowing that not everyone has the same temperament, why waste your precious time, energy, and peace of mind by escalating disputes over small things?

Many people today try to control the behavior of others rather than change themselves. It does not change the person, but the person trying to control it becomes stressed and can eventually become depressed.

Such people have no idea how much they are harming their physical and mental health by thinking about others day and night.

So everyone should remember that you should not be stressed and angry because of others. We don't expect too much from others. Because if someone does not act according to our expectations, anger and stress arise in our mind without any reason.

No matter where you are at home or in the office, if someone tries to break your morale by behaving badly, don't waste your energy arguing with them. When you argue with them, you show the same negativity.

Remember, sometimes when you scold someone out of anger, but it doesn't affect him at all. We scold someone for a minute but, on the contrary, it disturbs our minds throughout the day and we cannot think why this is happening.

In fact, every good and bad thing we do comes with us. On the contrary, if we love and respect someone, our minds will automatically be happy and we will be blessed by others.

We are all connected to each other through good or bad behavior. If you want to be happy all day long, respect, and love others.

We don't have to do anything else to be happy, good deeds are the basis of our happiness. If you scrutinize your inner self well, you will find that the stress is inside the mind.

If you really want the best for the people around you, you need to pay attention to the response of your mind. Your reaction to any other behavior should not be wrong.

The basis of a happy life is to teach the art of being happy even to people who are living under stress due to balanced behavior. This applies not only to the family but also to business relationships. Everyone should make efforts on a personal level to make the environment positive.

To change the mind correctly, it is necessary to practice in a planned manner for at least fifteen to twenty days.

Make a checklist of the tasks and balanced behaviors you need in a diary and honestly evaluate each of your good and bad behaviors through the same checklist before going to bed at night.

Also, before going to bed every morning and night, repeat the phrase 'I am a healthy and happy person' and 'Every cell of my body is full of positive energy'.

This practice communicates new enthusiasm in your mind and you can always be happy even in difficult situations.

Does Sweet Food Cause Diabetes?

 Does Sweet Food Cause Diabetes?

Many people say that they do not get diabetes if they do not eat sugary foods. Diabetes is not the only cause of diabetes.

Hereditary and other factors are more responsible for diabetes. However, in the case of diabetes, eating sugary foods can lead to uncontrolled sugar.

Diabetics are often advised to eat sugar-free cheese. While the diet of diabetics should be not only sugar-free but also calorie-free. What is being said now is that diabetes is a hereditary disease. That is, it is a contagious disease. This means that those who live a life of luxury and comfort are afflicted with this disease.

This means that those who seek Ashram are physically inactive. Do not work Do not exercise They eat sweets. This kind of bad lifestyle is also causing diabetes now.

There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. The difference between the two is easy to spot. In type 1 diabetes, insulin-producing cells are destroyed by the body's immune system. However, in type 2 diabetes, the body cannot use the insulin produced by the pancreas.

Diabetics should eat less, even in small portions. But, you also need to eat. What people think is that diabetes occurs in old age. However, it can affect all age groups. From children to adults.

Why does diabetes occur?

We don't get enough sleep at work. Some people have a habit of going to bed late at night and getting up early in the morning. However, not getting enough sleep can lead to various diseases. Diabetes is one of them. You need to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. However, if the amount of water is not enough, the amount of blood sugar in the body increases.

Eating late at night increases body weight. This makes the blood sugar level unbalanced. People who are overweight, if they do not take any initiative to control obesity can develop diabetes. A sedentary lifestyle makes the body a reservoir of disease. Life should be active. This requires regular exercise.

Friday, January 1, 2021

21 WHO Health Tips for 2021

21 WHO Health Tips for 2021

Role: As we welcome the 21st year of the 21st century, we are deeply concerned about how to protect our health.

1. Eat natural foods

Today, the whole of humanity is forced to suffer from many diseases due to the artificiality of food. Therefore, there is no alternative to making food natural and healthy. Making food natural means using food as naturally as possible. Using food naturally is extremely beneficial for health.

Besides, special care must be taken to ensure that the naturalness and nutritional value of the food are not lost during cooking. Steaming, frying, and long-term cooking destroy the natural properties of food. Similarly, eating a balanced diet is equally important for health care.

There should be diversification in different types of food items to make the food balanced. Consumption of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, water, and bran is a balanced diet and in addition to grains, pulses, nuts, and tubers, an adequate amount of fruits, vegetables, milk, yogurt, ghee, mohi, sprouts, etc. should be eaten.

Generally, we are consuming adequate amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, but not enough vitamins, minerals, and fiber. We need to have enough fruits and vegetables to get the required amount of vitamins and minerals.

The World Health Organization recommends that an adult consume 5 portions or 400 grams of fruits and vegetables. In this way, adequate intake of fruits and vegetables can prevent micronutrient deficiencies and prevent the spread of non-communicable diseases.

2. Let's adopt a healthy way of cooking

Today we are forced to face many kinds of health problems due to not knowing how to cook healthy food or cook food properly. Unhealthy food cooking involves cooking food in a healthier way, such as undercooking, overcooking, or using harmful chemicals. When food is not cooked properly, bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites can enter the body.

These bacteria can cause more than 200 types of diseases. In the same way, when food is cooked more than it needs, the nutrients, micronutrients, and proteins present in the food are decomposed and the food becomes worthless.

In the same way, adding harmful chemicals to food can make food toxic. Fish should not be overcooked or roasted. To make food healthier, the World Health Organization recommends keeping food clean, not mixing cooked and raw foods, cooking it with pleasure, not overheating over high heat and high heat, and using only healthy and safe spices.

3. Let's reduce the amount of salt

Salt is a compound made up of two elements called sodium and chloride. Both of these elements are essential elements for our body, but when we consume more or less of these elements than required, many problems appear in our health. Even high salt intake raises blood pressure.

Once blood pressure rises, many problems appear in our health. In fact, 2.5 million people die of starvation each year without knowing how to eat salt, and millions of people are forced to live with chronic problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, paralysis, and kidney failure.

Therefore, the World Health Organization has recommended not to consume more than 5 grams of salt daily to live a healthy life. 5 gms of salt daily, about 2 gms or 2000 mg. Sodium is replenished. Similarly, 3.5 grams or 3500 mg of potassium should be supplied to our body daily. For this, it is advised to eat potassium salt instead of sodium salt.

To reduce the amount of salt we need to look for both visible and invisible sources of salt. Self-contained salt in food is a visible source, while already salted foods such as salty, lentils, spicy, old pickles, bhujia, etc. are invisible sources. When choosing foods, you need to know which foods contain the most salt. For this, you should not eat too much food if the salt is too high.

4. Don't eat too much sugar

Sugar is another healthy food after salt. Eating too much sugar in children causes tooth decay while eating too much sugar in adults causes obesity. In the same way, people who eat sugar have type 2 diabetes, heart disease, dandruff, various types of cancer, stress, anxiety, and depression, premature aging, fat accumulation in the liver, kidney damage, uric acid increase. Therefore, it is better not to eat sugar at all, but if you have to eat sugar, you should not eat more than 5 percent of the total calories.

5. Let's not eat unhealthy smoothies

To live a healthy life, you have to eat a controlled amount of fat and unhealthy fat should not be included in the diet. Unhealthy fats are mainly saturated fats and trans fats. Saturated fats are found in animal fats such as meat, eggs, ghee, sauna, butter, cheese, margarine, cream, coconut oil, palm oil, lard, etc. Trans fats are found in biscuits, cookies, vegetable oils, and oils that are heated frequently or over high temperatures.

When choosing fat, unsaturated fat should be selected. The main sources of unsaturated fats are vegetable oils such as almonds, apricots, avocados, zucchini, soybeans, sunflowers, olives, canola, and some special species of fish. There is recognition.

6. Let's not drink alcohol

Alcohol consumption kills 3.3 million people every year. In addition to death, long-term use of alcohol can lead to physical, mental, social, and behavioral problems. Similarly, with alcohol consumption, problems such as fatty liver disease, liver cirrhosis, cancer, heart disease, alcohol dependence, road accidents also appear. Therefore, it is not good to drink alcohol under any pretext.

7. Let's not smoke or use tobacco

Smoking and tobacco use kill 7.2 million people a year, and millions of people are forced to live with the adverse health conditions it causes. Tobacco use or smoking increases the risk of various cancers, as well as chronic diseases such as heart disease, asthma, cough, respiratory diseases, stroke, type-2 diabetes. In the same way, smoking affects the health of the people around.

8. Stay physically active

The fact that a person who smokes a cigarette daily carries the same risk of cancer as does a person who is not physically active may surprise many, but it is not surprising. Because those who lead sedentary lives not only have cancer, but also heart and blood vessel diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, high blood cholesterol, obesity, osteoporosis, osteopenia, kidney stones, bone loss, intoxication, shoulder joint jam, mental bowel syndrome, and intestinal cancer. It also causes depression, vascular atherosclerosis, deep vein thrombosis, constipation, acidosis, indigestion, and insomnia.

According to The Lancet, the rising tide of inactive life does not prevent the 3.2 million direct deaths worldwide and the 25 million preventable deaths associated with other diseases each year. Being physically active means expending a lot of energy on the body's muscles. Spending energy in this way increases the metabolic activity in each of our cells and keeps the cells healthy. To be physically active, go for morning walks, run, skipping, beating, running a trade mill, playing sports, swimming, jumping on a trampoline, trekking, dancing, yoga, aerobics, Zumba, ballet, Activities such as salsa, hiking, cycling on the road, static cycling, going to the gym, climbing stairs, kumfukrante, usu playing, boating, doing water exercises, engaging in karma bari or garden work can be done.

The World Health Organization recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity a week to prevent disease and 300 minutes of physical activity a week to live a healthy life. Those who know how to do physically active exercises can also do some strenuous exercises to gradually strengthen the muscles.

9. Check your blood pressure from time to time

Today, one in four adults in the world suffers from high blood pressure, and 95 percent of them suffer from high blood pressure. High blood pressure is not a disease in itself but the mother of hundreds of diseases. This can lead to problems such as heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, eye attack (loss of vision), heart-swelling, narrowing of blood vessels, swelling and rupture, and mental and emotional illness.

Therefore, high blood pressure is diagnosed and treated in time. Diagnosis of high blood pressure should be done from time to time by using a device called a sphygmomanometer to check your blood pressure and if it is found to be wrong, it should be controlled by taking medicine.

10. Cover nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing

Today the whole world is plagued by airborne diseases. Health problems such as influenza, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and covid-19 are airborne diseases and these diseases kill millions of people every year. As these diseases are contagious, to prevent these diseases, the droplets of feces like saliva, sputum, the saliva of the patient should not be spread to other people and for this, the nose or mouth should be covered with a handkerchief or towel while coughing or sneezing. If you are suffering from such a disease, you should use a surgical mask or KN-95 mask throughout the transition period.

In other cases, if you have a cough or sneeze and you do not have a handkerchief or tissue paper, you should bend your elbows and cover your nose and mouth. Similarly, a person who is coughing or sneezing should not do such activities as sniffing or touching his mouth.

11. Avoid mosquito bites

Mosquito bites have spread many diseases such as malaria, kala-azar, Japanese encephalitis, yellow fever, chikungunya, dengue, and elephantiasis. In fact, mosquito bites kill people every year and make millions sick. The best way to prevent these diseases is to avoid mosquito bites. Measures such as using mosquito nets or mosquito repellent while sleeping to prevent mosquito bites, regularly spraying mosquito repellent in infected areas, destroying mosquito habitats (water freezing areas) can be adopted.

12. Let's drink healthy water

Lack of safe drinking water has led to the spread of waterborne diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, hepatitis-A, typhoid, and polio. Today, 2 billion people around the world are forced to drink unsafe and unhealthy water, which causes millions every year.

People are killed by unsafe drinking water and many people are infected with waterborne diseases. Therefore, drinking water needs to be clean, healthy, and safe. To ensure water security, we need to check the source of the water we are consuming. If the source is clean, the water can be filtered or boiled for 5 minutes.

13. If you are depressed, love someone you trust

Depression affects about 260 million people worldwide, and depression accounts for 90 percent of all suicides worldwide. The life of a person full of despair is constantly filled with pessimistic thoughts and the hope of life ceases to exist and as the condition progresses the patient even commits suicide. If you have a depressing situation in your life, don't be discouraged and don't feel alone, but share it with your friends or seek the advice of a psychiatrist. Depression doesn't do anything if you can control it in time.

14. Do not use antibiotics indiscriminately

Due to the overuse of antibiotics, antibiotics are no longer working. The main reason for this is the development of antibiotic resistance in the body. Bacterial infections can be difficult to cure if antibiotic resistance develops, which can lead to poor treatment, long hospital stays, high medical costs, and high mortality rates. Therefore, do not use antibiotics as you like and take them only under the guidance of a skilled health worker.

15. Get in the habit of washing your hands

Dirty hands can spread many diseases because the hands are constantly touching germs, toxic chemicals, and allergens and these hands are also touching the nose, mouth, eyes, and other parts of the body. Infectious germs, toxic chemicals, and allergens enter the body in this way and we get various diseases. Therefore, keeping the hands clean can prevent many diseases. Hands can be washed with soap and water or a substance containing 70 percent alcohol.

16. Get regular health checkups

By having regular health check-ups, we can prevent the disease from getting worse or even control it at the right time. The disease can be treated better if the disease is detected in time. So go to a health professional near you and get a regular health check-up.

17. Don't drink sugary drinks

Sugary or sugary drinks such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, Fanta, Mirinda, Dew, carbonated drinks, Red Bull, Red Tiger, XL, Strongbull, Erna, and energy drinks. Drinks like Real, Active, Burst, Pran, Rio sold in the market under the name of Saka are rich in sugar. These 250 ml drinks contain 25 to 30 grams of sugar or corn syrup and in addition to sugar, alcohol, citric acid, phosphoric acid, bisphenol A, benzene, and many other food preservatives are added.

These drinks contain 500 ml per day. Consumers have a 99% increased risk of developing latent diabetes in adults due to a suicidal immune system and a 20% increased risk of developing type-2 diabetes. Osteopenia, kidney stones, osteoporosis, constipation, acidosis, indigestion, gastritis, gastric ulcer and bowel cancer, mental stress, anxiety and depression, insomnia. So it is better not to use these drinks.

18. Get enough sleep

Our body needs good food and adequate exercise as well as adequate rest. The most natural method of rest is sleep. The health of those who do not sleep well cannot be good. Therefore, sleeping well is not an option for a healthy life. Weight gain, insulin resistance, decreased physical and mental capacity, increased risk of heart disease and stroke, increased risk of type-2 diabetes, weakened immune system, mental problems such as stress, anxiety, fear, depression, and depression in those who do not sleep well. Problems such as nausea, subtle inflammation in the body, and becoming emotionally fragile.

Do not look at bright lights before going to bed at night. Intense light stops the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. Similarly, mental problems such as stress, anxiety, fear, and depression, a sedentary lifestyle also prevent sleep. Therefore, everyone who wants to live a healthy life should try to sleep well.

19. Let's give importance to the bacteria in the stomach

Even though the bacteria in our stomachs are bacteria, they are our best friends. There are more than a thousand species of these bacteria and about four hundred trillion. Collectively, they weigh about 1.5 to 2 kilograms, which is equal to the weight of our brain. These bacteria perform several activities, including helping the baby to digest the milk it drinks, producing short-chain-fatty-acids by digesting fiber and bran, and strengthening the immune and nervous systems. Eating foods high in fiber and bran, such as cereals, pulses, nuts, groundnuts, vegetables, fruits These bacteria can be kept healthy by not eating artificial sweeteners, by eating foods that contain probiotics, by breastfeeding newborns for two years, by not eating processed foods, by eating vegetarian foods, by eating foods that contain polyphenols, and by not taking over-the-counter antibiotics.

The health of these bacteria has many benefits such as the health of our stomach, heart health, muscle health, immune system health, diabetes control, weight control.

20. Don't skimp on water

Water makes up 70 percent of our body. Most of the biochemical activities that take place in the body take place through water or without water these activities cannot take place. Not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration and many biochemical reactions and oxidative stress caused by dehydration. Oxidative stress causes the cells to die on their own and degenerative diseases to emerge. Drinking enough water will help to purify the blood by removing toxins accumulated after the metabolism that prevents fat from being absorbed. Performs functions such as smoothing of excreta. Drinking water before the onset of headaches can lead to headaches, low blood pressure, gallstones, kidney and gallstones, obesity, joint pain, indigestion, insomnia, acidity, gastritis, ulcers, constipation, hemorrhoids, diabetes, tea, diarrhea, diarrhea, menstrual cramps, menstruation. Prevents diseases like hormonal disorders, high and low cholesterol.

21. Let's keep the relationship alive

When the relationship between individuals is not good, people become sick not only mentally and emotionally but also physically and socially. Various studies have shown that people who have good relationships with family and friends are healthier and live longer than people with weak relationships. So we have to keep our relationship alive.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

How to get a child accustomed to mobile textbooks?

How to get a child accustomed to mobile textbooks?

Nowadays children are indulging in gadgets. They have started spending more time on mobiles, laptops, and tabs than on textbooks. In it, they watch videos, play games. Thus, the ability of students to focus on digital devices is weakening. Putting them in the classroom to read and write textbooks has become challenging. Generation Z (10 to 24 years old) and Generation Alpha (under 9 years old) have been born in a world where smartphones are setting their direction.

Today's children are so addicted to the stimuli from smartphone apps and streaming platforms that their attention is distracted from the classroom. This has added a big challenge to teachers. How to impart technology as well as traditional education to students?

Please note

The development of a child's brain is a complex subject. Over the past few years, researchers around the world have expressed concern about the adverse effects of smartphones and media multi-tux on concentration.

"The obvious evidence is that technology, social media, instant access to the Internet, and smartphones are harming children," said Dr. Jim Taylor, author of Raging Generation Tech.

His evidence has not been fully substantiated, arguments can be made against him.

"We're fundamentally changing the way a child thinks and develops his or her brain," says Taylor.

Lara Shad, a seventh- and eighteenth-grade (12- to 14-year-old) child in Philadelphia, says the average teenager can concentrate for about 28 seconds.

Smartphones have affected their brain development. And, the teacher has no idea how to relieve the student from this.

Lara Shad became a teacher in 2015. She has not received any training on how to teach a child born in the digital age.

The influence of technology is beginning to be seen in the curriculum and teaching available in traditional schools. Curriculum-based digital media for children has increased the use of apps such as Instagram and Snapchat, which are full of pictures.

Erica Swift teaches sixth grade at a school in California. She says, ‘It has become very difficult for students to teach long and complex lessons. Whereas earlier students did not mind reading such a lesson. '

Today's students do not easily understand complex and long lessons. They have to be broken and taught. Some children have stopped reading long lessons.

Transferring text to a device may not be as helpful. The problem is a bit deeper than just prioritizing the screen overprint.

According to Taylor, concentration is the gateway to learning anything. Remembrance deepens understanding.

"Without the ability to concentrate, a child will not be able to produce any information," says Taylor. They are not able to remember it. This means that they cannot interpret, analyze, synthesize, and critique it and cannot come to any conclusions about the information. '

Classroom of the future

When students cannot understand or memorize a long lesson, the teacher categorizes the lesson into shorter parts. The teacher thinks that a short lesson is appropriate.

Some teachers are also focusing on increasing students' concentration. One teacher also created a clam app to help students meditate.

Some teachers go and communicate with the students wherever they are. Such as YouTube and Instagram.

Asha Choksi, vice president of global research and insight at educational publisher Pearson, cites the example of a teacher who created a video from a scientific experiment and posted it on YouTube.

He showed the same video to the students in the classroom and started trying to remind the students of the lesson.

Students can be attracted to digital platforms if they are interested. Destler praises the teacher who linked the history of Nazi propaganda to cyberbullying.

He says, "If you add today's relevant thing to the compulsory curriculum, students will try to understand it more interestingly."

Educational platforms like Flipgrid, where students can share their videos by giving presentations, teachers can help students by engaging them.

Pearson's 2018 study found that students in Generation Z prefer to watch videos rather than books. After teachers, video is the second-largest source of information for them.

If the teacher adjusts the rhythm to the student's attention, it will be easier for him to focus.

Some schools have adopted platforms such as Google Classroom, where students and parents can monitor grader upcoming assignments.

The damage done to reading skills through technology has been compensated as much as it has been done.

Computer reading

This school in Lexia has a very interesting reading method. There, students are encouraged to participate in sports.

A separate group of students is formed based on performance. Successful students are assigned a previous level offline job. Backward students are given digital practice, as long as they do not fully memorize the text.

In the field of American education technology Is a global leader. In 2018, the Edu Tech company raised जु 1.45 billion. However, companies like Flipgrid and Lexia were hit by another country.

The Edu Tech industry has spread rapidly in East Asia. Newton, like the American platform, has expanded abroad. These companies are exploiting global interest in creating digital classrooms for students.

Mixed study

Teachers are adopting technology in the classroom. However, some studies have shown that traditional classrooms can be more successful.

A 2015 study by the London School of Economics found that when schools in Birmingham, London, Leicester, and Manchester banned phones in the classroom, there was an improvement in GCSE exam scores.

William Lam, a professor of neuroscience and author of The Learning Skills Cycle, points to a 2014 study. It was learned that students who write notes in the classroom can memorize any information more than students who write on laptops.

Lame considers it dangerous to break any text into smaller sections. According to him, going from one lesson to another immediately does not develop the student's memory. When the teacher starts a lesson, the student should memorize the lesson completely.

However, some advocates of technology point out that there are shortcomings in traditional reading methods as well. Therefore, he said, it would be more effective to move forward by mixing both technology and traditional education.

Katie Davis, an associate professor at the University of Washington School of Information, says, "I've seen a lot of discussion among academics in recent years about whether reading through lectures is like a relic and will disappear like a dinosaur."

Davis acknowledges that new media and technology teach new skills. However, the lecture has its own place.

Elizabeth Hoover, chief technology officer at a public school in Alexandria, Virginia, is working to improve the quality of education.

Hoover says teachers are just as indispensable today. And face-to-face conversations with teachers are still an important part of the classroom.

Hoover takes the side of technology where it is impossible to teach a lesson offline.

Economic initiatives

Shaad also says that some teachers rely on technology only because they do not have enough offline resources.

If more financial support is provided to the school so that the teacher can focus on the backward students, then there is no need for a program like Lexia.

Philadelphia teacher Sophia Date teaches social studies in the 12th grade. She also says that it would not be appropriate to spend money on technology instead of teaching.

"Efforts are being made to promote technology in the classroom," she said. The grant-in-aid organization is paying a hefty sum for tabs or laptops. But, they are not allowed to pay the salary of a teacher for one year. '

The date makes it clear that equal access to technology is important for low-income students, but it cannot replace management change.

Let's learn to think

Technology weakens some aspects of education, but it also empowers students.

"It's believed that young people are a little bit depressed, a little bit lazy, and they're being provoked by technology," says Choksi, who is associated with Pearson.

In fact, we need to reduce the role of technology in empowering a child's learning and learning.

To satisfy any curiosity, the students first ask the teacher and wait for the answer. Now they do not have such patience. They have started using technology to satisfy their curiosity.

At present there is no solution to any problem in the textbook or practice booklet, the solution is sought on YouTube or Google.

As information becomes more ubiquitous, success no longer depends on what you know.

Instead, it depends on the ability to think with subtlety and creativity. The irony is that digital media is undermining this skill.

In digital media, children have adopted new media. Now the teacher has to update himself with this. Now the teacher has to guide the students on how to benefit from the technology. Also, the teacher must fundamentally educate the student so that he or she can succeed in a world where he or she is constantly distracted.