Is it possible to walk 10,000 steps a day?

Is it possible to walk 10,000 steps a day?

Walking is important not only for physical health but also for mental health. According to experts, to burn 500 calories a day, each person has to walk ten thousand steps. However, due to some work-behavior or compulsion, it may not be possible to walk like this.

This does not mean that it is impossible to walk 10,000 steps daily. If you want to stay fit, you need to achieve this goal.

Take three hundred steps daily

Keep in mind that no one can achieve the goal of walking 10,000 steps a day. Definitely need to plan a little for this. If you have been walking for some time during the day, practice walking three hundred steps daily.

For example, if you walk a thousand steps daily, add another three hundred steps. Now if you find it easy to walk 1300 steps, increase the other 300 steps. In this way, you can complete 10,000 steps by adding three hundred steps.

Walk near the house

Most people now use scooters or bikes to go to shops near their homes. Similarly, when going to the market or office, they park their car/bike in a place where they do not have to walk many steps. You need to change this habit. If you have to go near a house, walk instead of using a bike or scooter.

Use of stairs

Lifts are now available in offices or commercial buildings. People don't climb stairs, they use elevators. Some habits can be changed in this too. For example, using the stairs instead of the elevator. Let's say you walk about 40 steps up and downstairs daily.

Walk with pet January

Many people now keep dogs at home. Take the dog for a walk outside the house in the morning and evening. In this way, when you go out of the house for only 15 minutes, you will walk 1000 steps. It not only benefits your dog, but it also benefits your health.

Use of pedometer

A pedometer is a device that keeps track of the number of steps you take. You can put a pedometer on the watch or on the clock. It helps you set goals.

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