Common symptoms of kidney infection

Common symptoms of kidney infection

Kidney problems are increasing day by day. Especially bad habits and eating habits have caused many kidney problems.

Eating disorders affect the functioning of the kidneys and prevent the release of toxins. In this way, our body also gives some clear signals that we have an infection in our kidneys.

Frequent urination

If you have to urinate frequently even if you do not drink a lot of fluids, it is a clear sign of a kidney infection. This may be due to bacteria interfering with the kidneys. You feel the urge to urinate constantly.

Back pain

Swelling of the kidneys and infection can cause back pain. If you suddenly feel pain in your back, don't pretend to notice it. Prolonged back pain is a sign of a serious kidney infection.

Blood in the urine

If there is blood in the urine, it may be a sign of a kidney infection. Bleeding in the urine may be less but do not ignore it. It can also cause kidney swelling.

Pain when urinating

Burning and pain when urinating can also be a sign of a kidney infection. People often ignore this but you should see a doctor immediately. It can also cause swelling of the kidneys and bladder.

Odor during urination

Under normal circumstances, urine does not have an unusual odor. If you suddenly feel a foul odor from urine, don't pretend you haven't seen it. This can be caused by a kidney infection. If this is the case, you should see a doctor immediately.

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