Monday, February 15, 2021

Anal Fissure: How to avoid common seemingly complex problems?

Anal Fissure: How to avoid common seemingly complex problems?

Alan Fissure is a problem that occurs during defecation. The muscles at the end of your anus may feel tight during fissures. Fischer is a very common condition in young children. But this problem can happen to people of any age. Most of Fischer's problems are cured by general treatment. The main reason for this problem is to take too much fiber in the food. Controlling it solves this problem. Some people with fissures may need medical help and sometimes need surgery.

Types of anal fissures

There are usually two types of fissures:

Acute type - A hole or crack in the upper surface of the skin is called an acute fissure.

Long-term - If a hole or crack in the skin surface is not healed, chronic fissures may develop over time.

Symptoms of anal fissure

The following are the signs or symptoms of the rectal fissure.

- Pain during defecation. Occasionally there is severe pain.

- Pain after defecation can last for many hours.

-Dark red color is seen in the stool after defecation.

- A kind of crack can be seen in the skin around the anus.

- Appearance of lumps or screen tags on the skin with the fissure of the anus.

Causes and risk factors for anal fissures

Damage to the skin of the anus or rectal canal is the most common cause of fissures. In most cases, it happens to people who have problems with constipation. Especially when hard or large size defecation stays inside the anus. It damages the anus and rectal canal.

Other possible causes of fissures include the following symptoms

- Persistent diarrhea.

- Inflammatory bowel disease, such as Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis.

- Constipation for a long time.

-Sometimes sexually transmitted infections, such as syphilis or herpes, can infect or damage the rectum or ducts.

Risk factors

Childhood - Many babies can have anal fissures in the first year of life.

Aging - In older people, blood circulation is slower. This reduces the blood flow to their anus. Due to which they may develop partially Fischer's problem.

- Pregnancy and labor pains

- Reduce the intake of fiber-rich foods

- Pain in the anus or rectum.

- Cancer in the rectum, etc.

Ways to avoid anal fissures

You can reduce the risk of anal fissures by preventing constipation. If you have ever had a fissure problem before, it is important to prevent constipation first.

The following can be done to prevent constipation.

- For this, you should eat a balanced diet, in which it is necessary to eat a good amount of fiber-rich fruits.

- Drink enough fluids.

- Exercise regularly.

- Drink alcohol or caffeinated substances (tea or coffee).

This is all good for maintaining digestive and intestinal health. Which helps to prevent constipation. The important thing is to wipe your anus gently after you have had a bowel movement.

When you feel like going to the toilet, this issue should not be ignored. Don't put too much pressure on the toilet too late. This increases the pressure in the rectum. You should tell your doctor about this.

Treatment of anal fissure

Most short-term fissures can be cured in 4 to 6 weeks with home remedies. Pain in the rectum that occurs during bowel movements usually gets better within a few days of starting treatment.

Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for acne treatment

- Drink plenty of fluids.

- Exercise a little daily.

- Take a fiber supplement.

- Daily defecation should be scheduled at the same time.

- Fruits and vegetables should be eaten regularly in the diet.

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