Wednesday, December 16, 2020

The study says that people in the 5 gene group have a higher risk of corona

The study says that people in the 5 gene group have a higher risk of corona

The country is now engulfed in a world war of coronavirus. Scientists around the world are testing a vaccine against the virus. While some vaccines have had a positive effect, happiness has spread around the world.

Based on the statistics, the number of virus infections is constantly increasing, but in the meantime, new research on the effects of the coronavirus is also coming out. So far, scientific studies have shown that people of which blood group are at risk for corona? That was searched. Scientists are now conducting scientific research on the gene. According to their study, which genes are most at risk for corona? Has been given more priority.

These 5 types of genes are at higher risk - study

According to researchers at the University of Edinburgh in the United Kingdom, most of the corona infections have been found in people with the genes TYK2, CCR2, OAS1, IFNAR2, and DPP9. The study found that those with severe symptoms were more likely to be at risk.

Not only that, people with these 5 types of genes have a high risk of serious illness or even death.

According to the Daily Mail, 22 percent of the 2,700 people in the five genes mentioned above have died. Of these, 74 percent were patients who could not breathe on their own. When they arrived in critical condition, they were placed on a ventilator.

Coronavirus becomes serious for some groups

Experience of many types of corona infection has also come out in Nepal. Some people get seriously ill because of the corona. But many do not even have the symptoms.

In this research, scientists claim that this study has found that it is serious for people of certain age groups. Not only that, but scientists have also claimed that the discovery of the genes most affected by the corona will also help in making medicine.

Different symptoms of corona in anyone

Most of the time we hear the news that some people have mild symptoms of corona and some have severe symptoms. Some people need a common medicine and some need a ventilator. Some may have an only fever and the symptoms may go away on their own, while others may need to be treated in a hospital.

Use caution

As far as corona vaccine testing is concerned, it may take a long time for it to reach us. That's why doctors say that Corona should not be considered normal. Since the corona crisis is not over, don't stop wearing a mask, take a hot bath, wash your hands, and go to crowded places. Doing so can prevent coronavirus.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Get enough sleep: neither too much nor too little

Get enough sleep: neither too much nor too little

Whether it is modern development or lifestyle or globalization, all these have disturbed our sleep. The World Health Organization (WHO) says the global human community's sleep is being disturbed in recent years. The modern economy has changed the schedule of most people. Many are now forced to work late at night or at night.

Due to the growing need and the pressure of work to support it, people's working life has been extended. It directly attacks sleep. Many people do not get enough sleep. The effect is being seen in their health.

Insomnia or lack of adequate sleep has increased the risk of many chronic diseases and problems such as stress and restlessness. Thus, with sleep deprivation, various mental problems have started to appear. There are more than 80 types of sleep disorders. Also, it causes problems like heart attack, depression, high blood pressure, memory loss.

That is why sleep does not come

Most of us know that getting enough sleep is essential for good health. Despite knowing this, we are not getting enough sleep. Not only the busyness of work but also social networks like Facebook have disturbed our sleep.

We don't do any exercise before going to bed, we drink ice cream, dessert, or hot coffee. It affects sleep. It is better to do light exercise but not hard exercise which makes you feel tired.

- Do not watch scary movies or violent content before going to bed.

- Let's not keep accounting or practical things in mind.

- Let's not sleep much during the day.

- Let's not consume alcohol for sleep.

- If you take a sleeping pill to get a good night's sleep, you should take it one hour before going to bed.