Thursday, October 1, 2020

Excessive food risk of serious disease, study says.

Excessive food risk of serious disease, study says.

Most people get sick because of their unhealthy eating habits. Not only can this cause stomach problems, but it can also be the cause of many other serious illnesses.

Recent research has shown that this is contrary to popular belief. Not only people who eat badly but also people who eat a lot of food are more likely to have problems including heart attack.

Various researches have described how unhealthy food increases heart insecurity. Eating too many increases the risk of heart attack for up to two hours after eating. So let's go into detail about what this research says.

What does the research say?

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 610,000 people die of heart attacks in the United States each year. When investigators wanted to know the reason, they discovered some strange habits. One of the main habits of these is to eat too much food. This research shows that heavy food is the trigger for heart attack. This is especially harmful to people who are overweight or obese.

Eating too much increases the risk of heart attack

Eating too much food also causes problems related to cholesterol and high blood pressure. Which is most related to heart health. In fact, high levels of cholesterol can clog your arteries and cause circulatory problems. This circulatory problem is linked to high blood pressure and increases the risk of a heart attack. There are many other causes as well, due to which heavy eating can increase the chances of a heart attack. In fact, it takes energy to eat and digest food, which raises blood pressure along with the need for oxygen. It pumps more blood to the heart.

Similarly, high blood pressure obstructs the blood vessels in the arterial wall. Which causes a heart attack or stroke. Similarly, a high-fat diet impairs the function of the endothelium, the lining of the arteries. Researchers have found that the risk of heart attack increases almost fourfold within two hours of eating a lot of heavy foods. This problem is especially common in people with pre-existing heart disease. For example, a person with coronary artery disease or a previous heart attack is more likely to have this problem.

Nepalis have a balanced ratio of carbohydrates, proteins, and other essential nutrients in their regular diet. But even eating such food can be a problem. Excessive consumption of fried foods with cream or butter can also easily lead to heart disease. So food should be eaten in a balanced way.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Constipation: Pay attention to these things!

 Constipation: Pay attention to these things!

Most people suffer from constipation due to a modern lifestyle and an unhealthy diet. Constipation can also be a cause of other piles, fistulas, fissures. The diet we eat plays an important role in all three cases of disease progression, other diseases, or complications. Therefore, it is beneficial for the health of the patients suffering from constipation to pay attention to the unhealthy diet.


Piles are also called hemorrhoids. If you have symptoms such as bleeding during bowel movements, difficulty in passing, and lumps of flesh coming out, you should understand that you have piles. The main reason for this is constipation. It has four stages.

1. The first step

When defecating at this stage, the lump of flesh does not come out but the blood flows.

2. The second stage

At this stage, when defecating, a lump of meat comes out but after defecating, it goes inside by itself. At this stage, there is pain and even bleeding.

3. The third step

At this stage, when defecating, the lump of meat comes out and since it does not go inside itself, it should be pushed with the fingers of the hand. At this stage, there is itching, pain, swelling, and even bleeding.

4. The fourth stage

At this stage, the lump of meat does not go away even when pushed by the finger of the hand. Staying outside creates a fear of infection. It also causes bleeding, pain, etc.

Although the first and second stages are cured by medication, the third and fourth stages should be treated with alkali formula.

What is the alkali formula method?

Alkali is alkali and formula is the thread. The alkaline formula is the formula made by using Apamarg alkali and Haridra powder. This is an easy, safe, and reliable treatment for cutting soft flesh.


It is also called a fistula. Due to the infection in the glands inside the defecation area and the pus accumulated there, one opens inside the defecation area, and the other open outside. Fistula in anomaly is a condition in which small holes are seen around the place of defecation. Even in this disease, there is pain and pus. If you can't find out just by looking at it with a proctoscope, you have to find the trachea of ​​the fistula by a fistulogram. Alkali formula method is a suitable treatment for this disease which is the main cause of constipation.


Fissure in Eno is the problem of tearing around the place of defecation. It is also called parikartika and defecation in this problem causes extreme pain. Symptoms such as blood, pus, watery itching are also seen. Constipation is also the cause of this disease. The wound can be healed by dipping the defecation area in warm water and using medicine and ointment. If the flesh grows around the wound, that is, the senile tag, the alkali can be removed by the formula method.

To eliminate constipation caused by piles, fistulas, and fissures

What to eat

Fibrous foods should be eaten in large quantities. Fibrous vegetables and fruits help to relieve constipation. Get in the habit of eating salad. The salad should include cucumbers, radishes, carrots, turnips, cabbage, onions, turnips, etc. Drink plenty of water.

Water consumed as soon as you wake up in the morning is considered as nectar for constipation. Consumption of sprouted gram, lentils, wheat, soybean, fenugreek is considered beneficial for constipation.

 What to eat

Alcohol, alcohol, cigarettes, khaini, fish, meat, eggs, fried foods in oil should not be eaten too much. Eating large amounts of cold drinks, tea, coffee, potato chips, lentils, crisps, pickles, sour yogurt, flour, sugar, chilies, ghee, white rice is not beneficial for constipation patients. Haluvaved contains a large amount of tannic acid, which prevents food from moving into the stomach and takes a long time to digest. Therefore, Haluvaveda is not beneficial for constipated patients.

Raw bananas contain a lot of starch, which is difficult for the body to digest and it also absorbs intestinal water, which increases constipation by drying out the direction.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Virtual visit to Bhaktapur: Observation of heritage from home

A virtual visit to Bhaktapur: Observation of heritage from home

Due to the slowdown in the global coronavirus epidemic, the cultural heritage of the country, including the Kathmandu Valley, has become desolate. The situation of those who make a living by providing various services to the tourists coming to the same heritage area is now becoming pitiable.

Meanwhile, Bhaktapur Sampada Yatra, which has been organized in collaboration with the Bhaktapur Tourism Development Committee, Story Cycle, European Union, and other organizations for the information of the cultural and tourism sector of Bhaktapur, will be held on Tuesday through the virtual medium.

At the main entrance on the west side of the Bhaktapur Durbar Square area, the internal and external tourists who are ready for the heritage journey start their heritage journey with an artistic Ugrachandi and Ugrabhairav ​​statue next to the temple. After that, the advancing team reaches Chardham, Nyakanjya Durbar, Golden Gate, and reaches the palace at 55 o'clock. Nyakanjya Durbar means a window with a mirror. That is, when the first Muslim rulers came, they gave a mirror as a gift to the king of Nepal. At that time, it was not customary to look in the mirror in Nepal. According to the locals, the palace was named Nyakanjya Durbar because the king kept a mirror in the window so that everyone could see it. This is how the heritage journey of Bhaktapur increases. Each temple has its own set of legends.

Along with the analysis of the temple, information is given about the heritage of Bhaktapur, the center of ancient and medieval cultural structures.

Ram Sundar Beale, chairman of the Bhaktapur Tourism Development Committee, informed that the procession will reach the priest's house through the temple, Bhairavnath's temple, Taumadhi, and Dattatraya.

The heritage journey does not only look at those tangible and established heritages. According to the ethnic rites, the cultural rites are reflected in every deed of the devotees in daily work. In Bhaktapur, which has been avoiding external rites as much as possible, one can still see a vibrant culture step by step.

Every stream and well there is associated with folk art. Each temple carries a complete history, as well as examples of original and new art culture.

After entering the Pashupati temple, the tourist enjoys the beauty of the local food along with the beauty of the Nyatpole and sits in front of the Nyatpole and moves forward with his indelible memories in his mind. The courtyard of the Nyatpole, which is the boundary between the potters and the metalworkers, is not just a stage for the division. It is also a courtyard to increase harmony by gathering people of both castes on one day of the year.

The Bhaktapur Sampada Yatra, which was started as per the plan to taste local art, culture, and food items during the yatra, will start virtually from Bhaktapur on Tuesday at 4 pm.

Bhaktapur, which has done exemplary work in the preservation of tangible and intangible culture, has also given importance to the cities of European countries in this heritage journey. Ram Sundar Bhele, chairperson of the Bhaktapur Tourism Development Committee, said that they are ready to provide information about the entire tangible and intangible culture during the virtual heritage trip to be conducted by local guide Rita Suwal.

The British Council and the European Union are also planning to promote the event on their social media platforms. This is the sixth Sampada Yatra in Bhaktapur. It will be on Tuesday from 4 p.m.

Alzheimer's disease: a complication

 Alzheimer's disease: a complication

The statistics are alarming, with an average of one person losing memory every three seconds in the world. Especially because of Alzheimer's. In the past, only the elderly had Alzheimer's disease. Today, even young people and adults are victims.

Stating that the growth rate of Alzheimer's disease has accelerated, it is estimated that the number of people suffering from this disease will increase by 70 million by 2030.

In Asia alone, 2.29 million people suffer from dementia, while in South Asia alone, 9.8 million people suffer from the disease, according to the World Alzheimer's Report.

What is Alzheimer's disease?

With Alzheimer's, a person's memory is impaired by drying out and gradually eroding brain cells. It is also called neurodegenerative disease as it is a brain-related problem. This disease causes constant damage to brain cells.

Why Alzheimer's?

Age also increases a person's risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Similarly, 70 percent of Alzheimer's diseases are caused by heredity. Besides, high blood pressure, head injuries, obesity, etc. can also cause Alzheimer's disease, so in recent times, Alzheimer's disease has become a 'thread' for the world. Therefore, it is necessary to spread public awareness to raise public awareness about it.

These are the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.


- Forgetting (forgetting recent and immediate work done within 48 hours)

- Decreased ability to think

- Changes in behavior

- Difficulty speaking and swallowing

- Increased depression

- And, as the problem progresses, people will stop recognizing the people around them.

Stages of Alzheimer's disease

Generally, Alzheimer's disease has three stages.

Early-stage- In the early stage, the patient's friends, family, and other people may feel this problem. However, people with this disease can easily drive and do other things. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person. And, forgetting where you put the word you know or the object you use, having a problem with the name, forgetting what you read, being unable to make any plans.

Moderate-stage Alzheimer's disease can last for years if it is in the middle stage. As the disease progresses, the person may need more care. Because people with Alzheimer's often get confused about the word and start behaving strangely.

Besides, the person with the problem may forget their past, be moody, forget their home and office address, have difficulty choosing clothes for the weather and special occasions, have difficulty urinating and stopping, sleep during the day instead of at night, and be restless at night and change behavior. Begins to show.

Final Stage - In this stage the person becomes unable to react to the environment around them, communicate with the people around them, and control their activities. As a result, as their memory diminishes, so does the person.

And, they need to be taken care of all the time, constantly reminded of the environment around them, taught to eat, swallow, and talk.

How to avoid

There is no definitive way to prevent Alzheimer's disease. Scientists are still researching it. However, the risk of Alzheimer's can be reduced by controlling the risk of heart disease, cholesterol, obesity, and diabetes. Besides, regular exercise from a young age can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's.