Why don't children like to go to school?

 Why don't children like to go to school?

A child who always goes to school sometimes suddenly refuses to go. They are afraid to go to school, cry, shout, fight. In front of such stubbornness of children, even the parents are helpless and do not send them to school according to their wishes. If such a situation occurs sometimes, it is not serious.

But in some cases children do not agree to go to school even for a long time. Parents' efforts to send the child to school are failing. There is a situation where it is difficult to send someone, who is sent soon, comes back again and sends it the next day.

In such a situation, some parents who are fed up with this behavior of children, instead of understanding the reason why the child does not go to school, think that the child is lying or making excuses and send him to school by beating him. Which is absolutely wrong.

They may not want to go to school because of the school environment, friends or teachers. In this case, instead of beating them, it is important to understand why they don't want to go.

Bullying from peers

School is also a place where friends gather. Most of the children have formed a group in school among their age group and close friend group. Some children may feel isolated because they cannot fit into an already established group. Not only that, sometimes there may be bullying from friends at school. At school, the actions of his friends like teasing, teasing, bullying, teasing and bullying by his friends can make him unable to say anything and fear can gradually settle in the child's heart. Because of that fear, hearing the name of the school can cause a headache for the child.

Consider yourself weak

In school, a child has to compete with his friends in everything. If he is weak in studies like other classmates or is repeatedly told by others, he will consider himself weak and lose confidence, who may not go to school. Furthermore, if a child takes longer to learn than other children, they may become more anxious and have trouble concentrating.

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Fear of being different

If he takes more time to learn than other children, if he cannot answer any question in class, his deficiency is seen as a joke in school. When unable to answer the question, the teacher reprimands the children, compares them with others, friends also tease them, so the children start looking for excuses to hide their weakness. It reduces the morale of children.

Failure to complete tasks on time

In school, teachers not only make them practice in school, but also give them homework to complete at home. In such a situation, some children do not understand the concept of practice or are afraid of being scolded by the teacher when they cannot complete their class work and homework. In such a situation, they think that the best way to avoid this abuse is not to go to school. So they make excuses not to go to school.

Can be anxiety

If a child tries to avoid going to school for various reasons, it can have a negative impact on him for life. For example, even after missing 6 months of schooling, it is difficult for children to rejoin the class later. This will put more mental pressure on them.

If there is a stressful environment in the school and it is not resolved in time, the child may develop anxiety. Inability to pay attention to studies, fear of exams, victimization by other children, beatings and torture by teachers may result in health problems in children such as: not wanting to go to school, fear of going to school, heaviness in the head after going to school, stomach ache, sometimes even fever.

Children suffering from such mental problems do not show any kind of physical illness even after a health check-up. In other words, a stressful environment can cause anxiety in them and make them feel uncomfortable physically as a reaction.

How to solve?

Try to find out the reason for not going to school

If such problems appear, first of all, they should find out the reason why such a problem appeared in them and start solving the problem. The first member close to the child is the parent. Parents should gently ask why they are not allowed to go to school. If the child does not speak, it is important to understand if something has happened at school. Because the more this problem is ignored, the more the child's mood deteriorates.

Behaving like a friend

Always talk to your child as a friend. So that he can tell you all his things openly.

After coming from school, you should try to mingle with the child. To begin with, you should tell about your school and the fun moments at school. So that they can be motivated to go to school thinking that it is a very fun place.

Do not scold if you are weak in studies

If the child is weak in studies, you can try to teach and explain to him. Parents or teachers should encourage them to work hard without pretending that they are weak.

Every teacher should patiently explain any topic to a child in a way they can understand. And, even if something goes wrong, they should be told affectionately so that they can take their weaknesses and mistakes and correct them in a positive way.

In children, if there is no improvement even after reprimanding, then medication should also be given in consultation with the relevant doctor.

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