Saturday, September 26, 2020

Alzheimer's disease: a complication

 Alzheimer's disease: a complication

The statistics are alarming, with an average of one person losing memory every three seconds in the world. Especially because of Alzheimer's. In the past, only the elderly had Alzheimer's disease. Today, even young people and adults are victims.

Stating that the growth rate of Alzheimer's disease has accelerated, it is estimated that the number of people suffering from this disease will increase by 70 million by 2030.

In Asia alone, 2.29 million people suffer from dementia, while in South Asia alone, 9.8 million people suffer from the disease, according to the World Alzheimer's Report.

What is Alzheimer's disease?

With Alzheimer's, a person's memory is impaired by drying out and gradually eroding brain cells. It is also called neurodegenerative disease as it is a brain-related problem. This disease causes constant damage to brain cells.

Why Alzheimer's?

Age also increases a person's risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Similarly, 70 percent of Alzheimer's diseases are caused by heredity. Besides, high blood pressure, head injuries, obesity, etc. can also cause Alzheimer's disease, so in recent times, Alzheimer's disease has become a 'thread' for the world. Therefore, it is necessary to spread public awareness to raise public awareness about it.

These are the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.


- Forgetting (forgetting recent and immediate work done within 48 hours)

- Decreased ability to think

- Changes in behavior

- Difficulty speaking and swallowing

- Increased depression

- And, as the problem progresses, people will stop recognizing the people around them.

Stages of Alzheimer's disease

Generally, Alzheimer's disease has three stages.

Early-stage- In the early stage, the patient's friends, family, and other people may feel this problem. However, people with this disease can easily drive and do other things. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person. And, forgetting where you put the word you know or the object you use, having a problem with the name, forgetting what you read, being unable to make any plans.

Moderate-stage Alzheimer's disease can last for years if it is in the middle stage. As the disease progresses, the person may need more care. Because people with Alzheimer's often get confused about the word and start behaving strangely.

Besides, the person with the problem may forget their past, be moody, forget their home and office address, have difficulty choosing clothes for the weather and special occasions, have difficulty urinating and stopping, sleep during the day instead of at night, and be restless at night and change behavior. Begins to show.

Final Stage - In this stage the person becomes unable to react to the environment around them, communicate with the people around them, and control their activities. As a result, as their memory diminishes, so does the person.

And, they need to be taken care of all the time, constantly reminded of the environment around them, taught to eat, swallow, and talk.

How to avoid

There is no definitive way to prevent Alzheimer's disease. Scientists are still researching it. However, the risk of Alzheimer's can be reduced by controlling the risk of heart disease, cholesterol, obesity, and diabetes. Besides, regular exercise from a young age can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's.

Risk of cancer due to poor lifestyle

Risk of cancer due to poor lifestyle

As long as we live, many processes related to life continue in our bodies. One of these actions is to become cells. In this process, the old and dead cells of the body are destroyed by themselves but new cells are formed in their place. This process continues in our bodies.

However, in the case of cancer, red blood cells, and white blood cells in the body begin to grow unnecessarily. These cancer cells slowly spread throughout the body and interfere with the functioning of healthy cells. These diseased cells are called cancers.

Our bodies, like computers, have many types of coding, which are passed on to our bodies by our parents through genes. Cigarettes, tobacco, drugs, and the wrong diet change the genetic code of our cells and this is what causes cancer in our body. Therefore, our lifestyle is responsible for getting cancer or not.

According to doctors, poor diet and lifestyle are the main causes of cancer. Inactive people, people who smoke, and people who smoke are at risk of cancer.

The risk of any type of cancer is high in people who smoke and smoke. Therefore, to avoid serious diseases like cancer, the use of tobacco should be stopped immediately.

Smoking can cause lung cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, and cervical cancer. Tobacco and gutkha can cause cancer of the mouth and digestive glands. Cigarettes are found to be the biggest cause of cancer in 90 percent of cases.

Cigarettes enter the body when smoking bindi or cigarettes. These elements convert healthy cells into diseased cells and these same cells turn into cancer. There is also danger in not smoking cigarettes or bindi but constantly in contact with second-hand smoke.

Alcohol is dangerous for the body and it also increases the risk of cancer. Prolonged consumption of alcohol increases the risk of lung cancer, breast cancer, and anal cancer.

Uncontrolled weight gain can also lead to cancer and other serious illnesses. To control weight, you need to work hard every day.

It is said that if you work in one place all day, you will have to exercise for half an hour in the morning or evening. It is also important for the health of the body that the calories we eat should be used. Otherwise body fat starts to accumulate and obesity starts to increase. Obesity increases the risk of bladder cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, colon cancer, etc.

A nutritious diet is needed to protect the body from disease, to get the energy it needs for fitness and to work all day. A nutritious diet means fruits, vegetables, milk, eggs, and dried fruits.

It is necessary to pay attention to the quality of oil, spices, and rations used at home. When buying fruits, make sure that no chemicals are used to cook them. Consumption of adulterated and chemical milk and cheese, sweets, and dishes made from it can also be harmful to the body. Let's use nuts and pulses as much as possible in food.

Junk foods are also high in calories and use many harmful ingredients to enhance the taste. Therefore, the body should take only the required amount of nutritious food

The sun's rays are good for the body, but only to a limited extent. Weight loss will be followed by exposure to the sun and harmful ultraviolet rays, which are harmful to the body. Prolonged exposure to these rays increases the risk of skin cancer.

Sunscreen protects against the effects of these harmful rays to some extent. But, apart from this, it is better to cover your whole body when you go out in the sun. Wear sunglasses and darker clothing to protect your eyes from these harmful rays.