Showing posts with label leukemia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label leukemia. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

What is leukemia?

What is leukemia?

Leukemia is an early stage of a type of blood cancer. It can be easily treated. But, for that, the disease must have been known at an early stage. If not treated in time, it can be dangerous and even fatal.

How to know

How do you know if your child has leukemia? Because its symptoms are normal, which we do not take seriously. However, from the following things, it can be known that the child is afraid of this disease.

- Repeatedly having the same type of infection

- Very high fever

- Weakening of the child's immune system

-Feeling tired and weak all the time

- Having anemia

- There is a problem of bleeding from nails and gums

- Experiencing pain in the joints

-Swelling different parts of the body

-There are knots in different parts of the body

- Having problems with the liver

- Frequent headaches. Or migraine

- Paralysis means having a stroke

- To be confused about something again and again. That is to be mentally stressed


-Increased skin itching problem

- Having a problem of not feeling hungry

- It takes a long time for any wound to heal

Leukemia spreads rapidly

Early symptoms of leukemia include the flu and other serious illnesses. However, when leukemia spreads rapidly, all the above-mentioned problems start appearing at once. If these problems are ignored, leukemia can spread to other parts of the body. This is why the body begins to swell abnormally. But if the symptoms of leukemia are identified and treated at the right time, there is no risk of blood cancer.

Leukemia is a dangerous disease

Leukemia cells directly affect the blood. Of course, the symptoms of leukemia can be easily detected now. If one ignores it, and leukemia is not treated in time, his life will be only four years at most. This age also depends on the immune system and the type of leukemia.