Tuesday, January 31, 2023

What is health, remedies, causes, tips

What is health, remedies, causes, tips

"Health is Wealth." Everyone knows this line, but how many people give time for it is something to think about. In order to be happy in life, it is necessary to stay healthy both physically and mentally. Usually, people think that they run a lot in their daily routine, so they don't need any physical exercise. But it is wrong to think like that. Whatever you are doing, it has become a part of your life. Your body has become accustomed to this kind of lifestyle, so some form of exercise is necessary for everyone.

Easy ways to gain weight and get fat

Easy ways to gain weight and get fat

There are many people who are underweight and are troubled because of their body shape. And it is true that like obese people, there are still chances of diseases for them. In fact, the effort required to lose weight is the same dedication and effort needed to gain weight. While obesity and overweight are a big problem, low weight and thin body also cannot show attractive personality.

Causes of weight gain and measures to reduce weight and obesity

Causes of weight gain and measures to reduce weight and obesity

Obesity is the problem of many people these days. To reduce it, people take various medicines, go to doctors and do exercises etc. There may be many reasons for this, here are the causes of obesity and easy and home remedies to reduce it.

Monday, January 30, 2023

Carbohydrates from sweet potatoes increase life?

Carbohydrates from sweet potatoes increase life?

Nutritionist Dr. Sakharkhand produced in winter is a good source of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, potassium, phosphorus. Bhupal Baniyan says.