Thursday, February 4, 2021

Is it possible to walk 10,000 steps a day?

Is it possible to walk 10,000 steps a day?

Walking is important not only for physical health but also for mental health. According to experts, to burn 500 calories a day, each person has to walk ten thousand steps. However, due to some work-behavior or compulsion, it may not be possible to walk like this.

This does not mean that it is impossible to walk 10,000 steps daily. If you want to stay fit, you need to achieve this goal.

Take three hundred steps daily

Keep in mind that no one can achieve the goal of walking 10,000 steps a day. Definitely need to plan a little for this. If you have been walking for some time during the day, practice walking three hundred steps daily.

For example, if you walk a thousand steps daily, add another three hundred steps. Now if you find it easy to walk 1300 steps, increase the other 300 steps. In this way, you can complete 10,000 steps by adding three hundred steps.

Walk near the house

Most people now use scooters or bikes to go to shops near their homes. Similarly, when going to the market or office, they park their car/bike in a place where they do not have to walk many steps. You need to change this habit. If you have to go near a house, walk instead of using a bike or scooter.

Use of stairs

Lifts are now available in offices or commercial buildings. People don't climb stairs, they use elevators. Some habits can be changed in this too. For example, using the stairs instead of the elevator. Let's say you walk about 40 steps up and downstairs daily.

Walk with pet January

Many people now keep dogs at home. Take the dog for a walk outside the house in the morning and evening. In this way, when you go out of the house for only 15 minutes, you will walk 1000 steps. It not only benefits your dog, but it also benefits your health.

Use of pedometer

A pedometer is a device that keeps track of the number of steps you take. You can put a pedometer on the watch or on the clock. It helps you set goals.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Causes and effects of hormonal imbalances

Causes and effects of hormonal imbalances

There can be many causes of hormonal imbalance. For example an unhealthy lifestyle, lack of nutrition, lack of exercise, wrong diet, excessive stress or age, etc. Eating the wrong foods and not exercising regularly can lead to hormonal imbalances. Hormonal imbalances have different effects on both men and women.

When there is an imbalance in hormone production due to lifestyle and eating disorders. At that time, different types of patients begin to surround themselves. Hormonal imbalances affect not only women but also men.

The male body also produces the hormones estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin. Of these, testosterone is one of the most important hormones in the male body.

Testosterone levels need to be maintained while maintaining proper body function.

Hormonal imbalances can lead to health problems such as scarring on the face, excessive hair growth, signs of aging, and reluctance to have sex.

Especially when men have hormonal imbalances, they have less irritability, less semen production, and less sexual desire, but there are many ways to balance hormones, such as taking medicines, yoga, exercise, and a nutritious diet.

Lifestyle changes

By making simple lifestyle changes, a man can control the hormonal imbalances in his body. Such as regular consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits and reduction in caffeinated beverages.

Reduce consumption of soybean-rich foods

Reduce consumption of soybeans and soy-based products. Because men do not need extra estrogen.

Soybeans are one of the best sources of phytoestrogens. The cellular structure of estrogen and phytoestrogens is similar. Therefore, men should not take an extra amount of this protein. Instead, you can focus on egg whites and low-fat dairy products.

Get enough sleep

Adequate sleep at night is essential for the overall health of the body. Getting enough sleep daily balances hormones through the brain and adrenal glands. Aim for eight hours of sleep each night to reduce the risk of various health problems caused by hormonal imbalances.


The relationship between the growth of extra muscles in the body and high physical strength is due to the high levels of the hormone testosterone in the body. So if you are having muscle pain or feeling weak, you can get rid of this problem by exercising. So exercise at least four days a week.

What and what diet to take?

- Eat coconut oil. Its use balances the hormones in the body.

- Drink water, it hydrates the body and also reduces its stress level.

- Dried fruits contain a lot of protein. A protein diet is good for both men and women suffering from hormonal disorders.

- Also eat green vegetables and nuts and garlic. They contain a lot of carbohydrates and fiber which corrects hormonal imbalances.

- If you are a carnivore, eat fish. Include seafood in your diet. Tuna fish contains a lot of omega 3 fatty acids which balance the hormones in the body.

What are hormones?

Hormones are actually chemicals produced by a cell or gland that affects cells in other parts of the body. Hormones have a direct effect on the body's metabolism and immune system.

There are a total of 230 types of hormones in our body that regulate different functions of the body. Even the slightest change in any hormone is enough to affect metabolism. It transmits signals from one cell to another like a chemical messenger.

Why is the death rate rising?

Why is the death rate rising?

About Mahabharata: 6 reasons to reduce life expectancy

The number of hospital openings has increased recently. At the same time, new equipment is being made in the health sector. At first glance, it seems that this is a matter of happiness. However, it also indicates that the number of patients is increasing. In other words, the rate of people getting sick is increasing at the same rate. After all, why is the number of patients increasing now? Why are new diseases plaguing us? There are four main reasons.

Toxic air

The climate of that time is different from the climate of today. Pure air is important for a healthy life, which we are constantly changing.

At that time there were no mills like now. There were no vehicles. There was no pressure. The forest was not cleared. I could get enough and pure oxygen.

At present, the atmosphere itself is becoming toxic. Various types of pollution are poisoning the air. It has not reached our body with enough oxygen. As far as it is concerned, it is not pure.

Toxic food

At that time only organic food was available. Processed foods were not in vogue. Moreover, they used to consume the same food as what they produced. Natural foods such as groundnuts and fruits were eaten.

We now consume processed foods. Food also contains a variety of inedible elements. We don't take care of the body in the cycle of eating sweets.

We do not farm ourselves. Various pesticides are used in agriculture. Toxins are used to make food grow faster, to grow more, to cook, to store, to make it look attractive, which enters our body. Such food is damaging the internal organs of our body. Has made chronically ill. It has weakened the immune system.

Artificial lifestyle

At that time, the ancestors were farmers. He lived in harmony with nature. He used to practice keeping pace with nature. They used to eat food suitable for the weather and live according to the same lifestyle.

Now we are not getting closer to nature, but trying to adopt a lifestyle against nature. We grow and eat non-seasonal food. We also process and consume food produced from nature. Fruits, vegetables, grains are not weather friendly, we eat unfavorably.

We use AC and cooler to evade heat. We use the fridge to cool food. We mix different kinds of inedible elements in food, we mix colors. This kind of lifestyle is also making us sick.

Beneficiary life

The people of that time struggled. Used to do physical work. Used to walk He would take care of his own needs. He sought the solution of everything through labor. He practiced living naturally. He was not addicted to pleasures and luxuries.

Now we are so engrossed in ash-Aram that even the energy stored in the body is not consumed. That's why we run to the trade mill in the morning, to the gym. So, the body burns extra calories.

We have become very privileged in our search for happiness. This causes unnecessary disorders in the body. The same disorder is making us sick and chronic.

About Mahabharata: 6 reasons to reduce life expectancy

In the Mahabharata, the age of all human beings is stated to be 100 years. However, most deaths occur at an early age. Why?

Mahatma Bidur had told Dhritarashtra the reason for this. This is further clarified by Bidur's verses.

Atimanoativadashra tatatyago naradhip.

क्रोधश्रात्मविधित्सा च मित्रद्रोहश्र तानि षत् ।.

एत एवासयस्तक्ष्णाः कृन्तन्यायूंषि देहिनाम्।

So many human beings do not die.

What does that mean?

Extreme pride

The one who praises himself all the time, the one who considers himself the wisest is arrogant. The pride of a man who thinks of himself as the best and the other as inferior is reducing his age.

Talk a lot

Many talkers sometimes fall into such a trap, which affects them in the long run.


Anger is considered to be the greatest enemy of man. Anger never works. It drowns people.

Lack of sacrifice

To live happily in society, people must have a sense of sacrifice and dedication. Sacrifice and lack of belonging also shorten a person's life.


According to the scriptures, cheating on a friend is a great sin. Due to this, the age of a person also decreases.


Greed is called the enemy of man. Because of greed, a person cannot control his emotions. It also shortens a person's life.

Some eating conditions

Some eating conditions

They die without knowing how to eat more than they do without food. More food than the hospital is essential for health. Because the food itself is disease-free. The same food, to make sick. Eating right, balanced and healthy food keeps you healthy. If food is eaten indiscriminately, it makes the body a reservoir of disease.

It sounds unpleasant, but we don't know how to eat.

We are not aware of the food that is directly related to public health. Not everyone has to eat at a standard hotel or restaurant. We are also careless in our own food.

Eating is for both the tongue and the stomach. When we put food on a plate, we have to keep in mind that it reaches the stomach. From the moment it is chewed, it must undergo various stages of digestion. Finally, the nutrients in the food reach the organs of the body. The rest is excreted as feces.

In that sense, we emphasize healthy eating. We choose nutritious food. At the same time, we eat as much as the body needs.

Eating is not just about filling the stomach. Eating is also a culture. It is also a celebration. In some communities, it is customary for family members to sit together and have fun. We should also follow such a food culture.

Why eat

Why eat food

Many think so. To fill the stomach. For the same reason, we are always thinking of filling our stomachs. While eating is very important for overall health. The body has a direct sign of food. The sign of the body is with the mind and the brain. We need to eat healthy to keep all these parts of the body fit and healthy. Balanced and accurate.

Why right

Because we don't even have a way to eat. This is true even if it sounds unpleasant. We don't know how to eat. Our mythological scriptures have taught us to eat. How to live, how to eat, what to do while eating, what not to do?

However, we are rejecting it as a pretense. Modern civilization has repeated the same thing that our mythological scriptures said. Eating is for both taste and health. That is why it is said that one should eat with a pure heart while consuming food. Happy heart To be happy To be satisfied


Food does not always have to be varied. There doesn't always have to be meat. Pulses do not have to be pickled. Even if it's just Gundruk, it has to be made in the right way. He ate gundruk in the morning and dal in the evening. In another dish, add vegetable juice and eat. Change new taste in every meal.

In the morning, the cumin seeds are sifted and the lentils are sifted. It adds something new to the taste. If potatoes and greens are cooked in the morning, gravy can be cooked in Raj at night.

Art can also be mixed in eating and serving food. In fact, cooking is a kind of art. That is why it is also called 'Culinary Art'.

Catering etiquette

Modern society has called it a 'dining manor'. This is a matter of civilization, how to eat food.

Catering etiquette shows how civilized we are. Because food is the basis of life. When it comes to eating, you need to know how to eat.

Let's put the same food on our plate that sucks us. It tastes good. Let's put as much food on the plate as we need.

Put a little rice on the plate, a little dal, a little nuts, a little, vegetables, a few pieces of meat.