Thursday, October 15, 2020

Risk of heart disease due to bad habits

Risk of heart disease due to bad habits

Our diet and lifestyle are believed to be responsible for heart disease. Poor diet, alcohol, smoking, excessive consumption of red meat, and a sedentary lifestyle increase the risk of heart disease. Poor diet on the one hand and a sedentary lifestyle on the other, it affects the functioning of the heart. Some things that seem normal to us make the heart sick. Like staying in one place for a long time, not getting enough sleep, etc.

Spending a long time in one place

How lazy, how compelled they stay in one place for a long time. Like an employee sitting in the same chair for hours after going to the office. Some people lie on the couch and watch television and do not notice the day. To stay in this place for a long time is to make the heart sick.

Doctors say you should not stay in one place for a long time, it is necessary to do some physical activity. Stretch your body at least once every half an hour. Sitting in one place for a long time while watching television, while working causes blockage in the arteries of the heart.

Work pressure

Sometimes we are working under a lot of pressure. When we have to do a lot of work at once or complete a task in a short time, we feel the pressure. It is not good to work under pressure. According to doctors, prolonged stress increases heart rate and raises blood pressure. It hurts the heart.

Not getting enough sleep

Getting a good night's sleep or being able to sleep well for a certain period of time is an indicator of a healthy life. While insomnia is a disease in itself. Insomnia causes many diseases. Such as heart disease. Sleep disturbances are said to increase blood pressure and cause heart problems.

Excessive salt intake

Consumption of salt increases the amount of water in the blood. Due to which the blood becomes thin and produces a lot. If too much blood is produced in the body, it puts pressure on the heart.

Poor oral hygiene

According to specialist doctors, poor oral hygiene also increases the risk of heart problems. If the mouth is not cleaned, bacteria will grow in the mouth. The bacteria travel from the mouth through the throat to the heart. That is why it is very important to clean the mouth with teeth and gums to keep the heart-healthy.

To turn

Frequent dizziness can also affect sleep. During dizziness, pressure builds up in the neck muscles and obstructs the airways. Due to which even the intoxication of the throat becomes obstructed and the body does not have an adequate supply of oxygen. Prolonged exposure can lead to high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke.

It is necessary to purify the body

It is necessary to purify the body

Due to poor diet, lifestyle, and environment, various disorders accumulate in our bodies. This is the disorder that causes disease in the body.

Not everything we eat is fresh or digestible. On top of that, the body cannot digest spicy food, junk food, alcoholic beverages, etc. Sometimes we eat more food than we need. Similarly, some of the food we eat is toxic. While eating such food, disorders start accumulating in the body. Similarly, the dust and smoke in the environment also make the body deformed. On top of that our sedentary lifestyle becomes another reason.

As the disorder accumulates in the body, the body becomes sick and chronic. Therefore, it is necessary to purify the body from time to time. For this, it is enough to make simple changes in food and lifestyle.


The simplest and most effective method of body purification is fasting. Sometimes the whole meal can be left for a day. It is advisable to fast once a week whenever possible. However, for those who do manual labor or have any kind of physical problem and are taking medicine, it is advisable to fast only depending on their condition.

When you do not eat any solid food, the digestive system gets to rest. At the same time, the disorder in the body also disappears.


Physical exercise is an effective method of body purification. Even if you exercise with fullness for thirty minutes every day, the disorder will not accumulate in the body. It is advisable to sweat once a day, whether through physical labor or exercise. Similarly, there are some asanas and methods of yoga, which bring out the disorder in the body.

Fresh fruit

Fresh fruits are very useful for removing body disorders. For this, fresh fruits should be consumed regularly. Therefore, the fruit needs to be weather friendly. Nowadays, pesticides and chemicals may have been used in the production and storage of fruits, but such fruits are more harmful.

Fresh vegetable juice

Fresh vegetable juices are also a good way to purify the body. So make juice of green vegetables like cucumber, spinach, broccoli, squash, and drink it. Apart from this, it is better to start the day with fruit juices like apple, pomegranate, banana, and carrot.

Drink enough water

Adequate water intake is an effective way to purify the body. Generally, it is considered good for an adult to drink 2-3 liters of water a day.

To keep your body hydrated and get rid of toxins, you should drink at least two glasses of water when you wake up in the morning. It cleanses the blood and stomach from disorders. There are other benefits to drinking lemon juice mixed with water.

Green tea intake

Green tea made from raw and fresh leaves is rich in antioxidants which protect the body from radicals. It helps to keep hydrated and keeps the stomach full for a long time. Green tea is very useful for body cleansing.

Sugar quantity control

If we reduce the amount of sugar in our diet, we can purify our body. It boosts metabolism and improves overall health. Excessive sugar intake also makes you feel tired. Weight gain can also be a cause of diabetes, so it is important to control the amount of sugar in your diet.