Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Diseases that afflict in winter

Diseases that afflict in winter

There are many health problems in winter. For example, cold, joint pain, asthma. At this time, the risk of heart disease also increases. Similarly, winter can lead to depression in some people. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the physical problems that occur in winter and to take the necessary precautions in this regard.

Heart attack

Most of us have a laid back attitude when it comes to painting a picture about winter. As the temperature drops, the arteries that bleed become narrower. This makes it harder for the heart to pump blood.

According to experts, people over the age of 30 should not be too tired in cold weather. Instead of going for a walk on a cold morning, go to a sunny place.

Asthma attacks

If you have asthma, you may know that your asthma increases a lot during the winter. In this way, cold and dry air tightens the airways and makes breathing worse.

So making some changes in your lifestyle in winter can definitely be helpful. Keep your home smoke-free as it makes it very difficult for asthma sufferers. Also, wash your bed at least once a year.

Itchy skin

One of the most common problems people face in cold weather is itchy skin. The skin starts itching due to low humidity in cold weather.

You can massage the skin with almond, coconut, or olive oil to prevent itching. Also, avoid eating greasy street food. You can also drink Sakhkar tea to get rid of the problem of itchy skin.

Joint pain

Many people suffer from joint pain in winter. The first step in relieving joint pain is to keep yourself and your feet warm.

So instead of wearing one warm cloth, wear two or three thin cloths. Exercise should be done to avoid joint pain and muscle pain during cold weather. Another way to get rid of joint pain is to bask in the sun for a while.


Headaches, runny noses, and colds are common problems. The problem of sinusitis occurs when the house is closed and there is no proper ventilation.

You need to get enough rest to stay away from sinusitis in this season. Also, eat healthily, avoid colds, and drink plenty of fluids. Also, stay away from dust.

Monday, January 18, 2021

How does blood flow properly in the body?

How does blood flow properly in the body?

To keep the body healthy, a person's blood flow must be at the right level. Not only sound oxygen but his alertness and dedication to are most required. Blood carries essential nutrients as well as oxygen to the body.

As soon as there is any damage to the blood cells, there is also damage to the blood flow. Which can be harmful to all parts of the body. But such problems can also be treated with natural remedies at home.

Physical exercise

Exercise regularly to stay physically healthy. Regular yoga, sports, and badminton cure heart disease as well as improve the blood flow in the body. The faster the blood is pumped from the heart, the better the blood flow.

Eat a balanced diet

Whatever type of food we eat has a direct effect on the body. So we should always eat a balanced diet. Eating a diet rich in nutrients like fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, E, and C eliminates the disorder in the blood cells of the body.

Adequate water intake

Our body is 70 percent full of water. When there is a lack of water in the body, along with feeling thirsty, the concentration of blood also decreases. So you should consume as much water as possible. An adequate amount of water should be consumed for oxygen to flow in the body.

Don't smoke

Smoking is harmful to health. Its consumption can cause many problems. To maintain blood circulation, you need to quit smoking. Smoking tightens blood cells. This can cause problems with blood flow. So quit smoking.

Limit salt intake

The main cause of high or low blood pressure is due to salt. Excessive salt intake can lead to high blood pressure and heart problems. Consuming a limited amount of salt has a positive effect on blood cells and also regulates blood flow.

When the stomach is upset

When the stomach is upset

The digestive system converts food into energy. We can walk, walk, play, jump, jump, work. If the digestive system is bad, we cannot stay healthy and fit.

When the digestive system is not healthy, stomach ache, vomiting, gastric, and epilepsy usually occur. But, this alone is not enough. Frequent stomach problems can cause serious illness in the body.

Body odor

When our digestive system is bad. Or does not touch the food. Then toxins accumulate in the body. No matter how you know it, the body stinks. Sweat or any part of the body smells bad. From this, it should be understood that the digestive system is bad.

Skin problems

As the digestive system weakens, so does the skin. There are various skin problems. If the digestive system is good, the skin will glow, there will be no blemishes, there will be no rash However, when the digestive system is damaged, these problems appear at once.

Bad breath

Bad breath is a common problem. Mouth odor is caused by not cleaning the mouth and teeth properly. However, stomach problems also cause bad breath. If there is bad breath even after brushing or cleaning the mouth, the stomach is bad.

Hair loss

There are many causes of hair loss. But, one of them is also stomach upset. When the digestive system is bad, the body lacks essential nutrients. It also affects the hair.

Nails become weak

If the digestive system is bad for a long time, it affects the body as well as the nails. When the digestive tract is damaged, body waste cannot be excreted. This causes some problems. One of them is breaking nails and becoming weak.

How to keep the digestive system healthy?

To keep the digestive system healthy, one should pay attention to food and lifestyle. If the digestive system is strong, all the food eaten is well digested. The body absorbs the nutrients in these foods. The body is healthy and fit.

To keep the digestive system healthy and strong, one should pay attention to food. Eating too much is not good for the digestive system. That is, spices used, fried in oil, meat-based, dairy products become a burden for the stomach. Processed foods are also not good for the stomach. Such foods should be controlled. Digestive food should be consumed. Fiber-rich foods like vegetables, radishes, fruits keep the stomach clean. Strengthens

Similarly, to strengthen the digestive system, the body must be kept active. Some exercises and yogasanas directly affect the digestive system.

- Let's eat only at the right time according to the eating schedule. The habit of eating at any time affects the digestive system.

- Food should be eaten only as much as the body needs. Eating junk food makes your stomach heavy.

- Sit comfortably while eating. Stay in the right posture. This helps your digestive system to function properly.

- Stimulate the digestive fire. That is, take a piece of ginger and mix lemon juice in it. Add a little salt. It is easily digested no matter how rich and heavy you eat.

-According to Ayurveda, the proper and regular routine should be followed to keep the digestive system healthy. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner should be done at the right time.

-Do not sleep immediately after dinner. Have a light meal at night. Eat nutritious food in the morning.

Friday, January 15, 2021

Does being happy increase the body's resistance to disease?

Does being happy increase the body's resistance to disease?

We get more satisfaction from anything only when our body is in good condition. When the body is not well, no matter how sweet the food is, no matter how good the place is. This means that the body must be healthy for us to enjoy life to the fullest.

How is the body healthy?

For this, we must have strong immunity. There are many rules to strengthen the immune system. One of them is a simple rule, happiness.

Being happy both externally and internally can keep you healthy for a long time. It is very important to be happy to live a good life. When our body's ability to fight disease is reduced, various diseases occur.

So it is very important to be happy to boost the immune system. Many things around us control our happiness and stress. According to which our body reacts. To stay healthy and happy, it is very important to stay emotionally healthy. Even if mental health is not good, it harms the body. So it is important to take care of what is happening in our lives.

1. Health effects of positive thinking

Positive thinking is very important in life. When negative things are around, you also start to be negative. So try to keep the surrounding environment positive. Which helps to keep the body healthy and happy.

2. Happiness boosts the immune system

When you are happy, your body gets energy. So it is very important to be happy to improve the immune system.

3. Laugh a lot

Laughing out loud reduces stress and boosts the body's immune system. Laughter improves blood circulation in the body. As a result, the production of stress hormones in the body is reduced.

4. Exercise

Most people do not like to exercise. But when we exercise, our body produces a hormone called endorphins. Which improves our mood. And stress and anxiety are reduced. Swimming, cycling, and skipping are good for boosting immunity.

5. Sleep

Sleep calms the mind. A good night's sleep relaxes the body and relieves stress by forgetting the fatigue of the day. So you need enough sleep to improve your immune system.

6. Dance

Regular dancing makes you physically healthy. Besides, our body's immune system is strong. Dancing makes our body feel happy and reduces calories in the body.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Skin problems and treatment methods

Skin problems and treatment methods

Skin is the outer layer of the body, which needs to be healthy and beautiful. However, the skin is also the part most affected by external infections. There are many skin problems. We are also looking for diagnoses for such problems. However, it has not been effectively diagnosed.

Skin diseases and skin diseases are not the only causes. The effects of internal diseases of the body are also seen on the skin. If there are problems in the heart, kidneys, intestines, stomach, etc., its effect is also seen on the skin. So skin is also an indicator, indicating the disease of the body.

If the skin is healthy, radiant, and soft, then it should be understood that the health is good. However, if any infection, blemishes, etc. are seen on the skin, there may be some problem.

There are differences in the symptoms and severity of skin diseases. It is temporary and permanent. It hurts and it doesn't hurt. In some cases, it may be genetic. Sometimes skin disorders can be very subtle, which can be life-threatening.

We cannot ignore the seriousness of skin disease. If you have any of these problems, you must seek treatment.

Skin and skin type

- Rough skin

- Oily skin

-Chicken Pucks

- Eczema

-Rosacea (reddening of the face)

- Seborrheic dermatitis

- Skin diseases

- White spot


-Skin cancer

- Mole




- Screaming


What are the symptoms?

- Red or white spots appear

- Itchy skin

- Skin peeling

- Ulcers

- To be dry or rough

- Deterioration of skin color

Why do skin infections occur?

1. Pores of the skin, bacteria in the hair

2. Microorganisms in the skin

3. Virus

4. Weakness of the immune system

5. Exposure to an allergen or another person's infected skin

6. Genetic factors

7. Diseases affecting the thyroid, immune system, kidney, and other body systems

Skin infections

1. Bacterial skin infections - These infections occur when the skin enters the body through a wound.

2. Skin infections caused by viruses - The most common viruses occur in three groups. Poxvirus, Human Papillomavirus, Herpes Virus.

3. Fungal Infections - The body's chemicals and lifestyle cause fungal infections.

Take precautions

1. Wash hands with soap and warm water. That is, special care should be taken in hand hygiene.

2. Don't share eating and drinking with others.

3. People with skin infections should not be in direct contact with them.

4. Clean public places, such as gym equipment, before using.

5. Do not share personal belongings, such as blankets, swimsuits, etc. with another person.

6. Get at least seven hours of sleep each night.

7. Drink enough water.

8. Avoid excessive physical and emotional stress.

9. Let's have a nutritious diet.

Friday, January 8, 2021

Sleep is a medicine

Sleep is a medicine

As much as food and exercise are necessary for a healthy life, so is sleep. It is said that for a healthy life, one should get 7 or 8 hours of sleep daily. Children should sleep longer than this according to their age. Adults must get at least 8 hours of sleep.

Sleep should be deep. To get a good night's sleep, you need to be mentally and physically fit. The bed, the environment, the position, etc. can also affect our sleep.

Light exercise, pranayama before going to bed is said to be beneficial for a good night's sleep. The process of deep breathing and exhalation is also very beneficial.

According to architecture, it is better to sleep with the head facing east or north. Sleeping position and the earth's magnetic field also affect our health. You should not keep a very high pillow while sleeping. Sleeping on the left side is good for your health. Of course, we do not sleep in the same position all night. However, to sleep, when you lie down on the bed, you should lie on your left side. Why so

This makes it easier to digest food in the stomach and esophagus. When sleeping in this position, the pancreas properly releases enzymes to digest food. It digests food eaten at night. Those who have indigestion, upset stomach, they should lie down on the left side. The function of the liver is to extract bile juice, which helps digestion in the gallbladder. This action is done while lying on the left side. Because of this, fat is digested well. Fat does not accumulate in the liver.

Sleeping on the left side also relaxes the short and long intestines. This prevents constipation. After defecating in the morning, the stomach is cleansed. When you lie down on your left side, the toxins and disorders accumulated in the body are slowly released. Leaning to the left does not affect the liver and digestive system, food is well digested. When food is well digested, it does not cause many diseases. Sleeping on the left side does not put pressure on the heart. Because at this time the supply of blood from the heart is very large. When the heart is healthy, the supply of blood and oxygen is easy. It makes the body healthy.

In this way, the body's waste products are excreted by the liver and kidneys. So it should not be too much pressure while sleeping. Sleeping on the left side corrects the stomach, relieves fatigue, does not cause bloating and other problems of the body. Sleeping on the right side affects the body.

Yoga for the mental and physical health of children

Yoga for the mental and physical health of children

There are many types of yoga. The method of yoga, its benefits are also different. Children and adolescents can practice special types of yoga. Especially from the yoga they do, you can learn how to increase your intellectual capacity and improve your mental health.

In fact, the age to do yoga is in childhood. The body becomes flexible in childhood and adolescence. There is no complicated disease. Chronic illness is not caught. At this age, we have immense energy. So at this time, we can do any kind of yoga practice. You can also perfect yourself in so-called complex yogas.

Tomorrow when we become adults. You get old. At that time, due to some diseases and physical conditions, we could not practice many types of yoga. If you start doing it now, you can do that kind of practice for the rest of your life.

Yoga is one of the best methods of proper body exercise. Yoga is useful for making the body naturally strong, fit, and healthy. But, it not only makes us physically healthy, but it also makes us mentally strong. Yoga is useful for the purification of the body and mind.

Some yoga methods keep the brain healthy. Increases memory capacity. So when the body is strong, healthy, we are still mentally healthy. When the body is sick, problematic, then we can't accept many things even if we want to. Can't remember

So in this time of leisure, we can devote ourselves to yoga. There are natural methods like yoga, meditation, pranayama, which make us healthy, fit as well as positive, and happy.

For physical health

Yoga plays an important role in the physical development of a child. It makes their body flexible, agile, and strong. Yoga is important to keep fit and fine from childhood.

Increases concentration

Yoga removes disorders of the body. Blood flow is smooth. When the body is healthy, children are also mentally healthy. Similarly, yoga and meditation help to increase concentration in the brain and mind. As a result, they can easily recall what they read.

To increase the ability to fight the disease

Regular yoga also boosts a child's immune system. Because yoga makes internal organs naturally strong and healthy. As a result, external diseases cannot attack.

The first step in learning yoga is to set your own time. It is best to do yoga, especially in the morning. Yoga can also be done in the evening. You can also do yoga in the afternoon by combining your free time. That is, there is no set time for yoga. Morning is considered the best time.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

How to manage stress?

How to manage stress?

Sadness, pain, stress, depression are mental disorders that we never do well. Such things make us mentally weak. When we are mentally weak, we cannot be physically fit and capable.

Before blaming others for every problem, one should try to find one's weaknesses by looking at oneself in the mirror of one's inner self. Only if we learn to control our minds can we feel the change within ourselves?

Nowadays, even in common parlance, negative words like 'tension', 'stress' and 'depression' are often heard from the mouths of many people. The question may arise, is there really so much stress in our lives?

Even if there really is such a problem, can't it be got rid of?

It is time for all of us to think calmly about why we are making life so complicated. The easiest way to find peace of mind is to stay away from negative thoughts.

We have to get the word 'stress' out of our dictionary forever because nowadays even small children at home are saying 'I'm very stressed' when they hear something bigger than themselves.

Repeating such negative things over and over for no reason can lead to stress in the end.

The power of mantras is considered very important in Eastern culture. The mantra is full of positive energy. People who listen to it feel better when it is repeated.

Repeatedly chanting mantras increases people's morale. Just as mantras have a positive effect on our lives, so too when negative words like stress and depression are repeated over and over again, negative energy is transmitted to the whole environment.

Why are we angry? We all face some kind of situation in life when there are many desires but nothing is fulfilled.

Another situation is when unwanted situations and unwanted people come in front of us and we get angry.

Forget about other things and think about your child. Do they accept everything you say? If not, think about it, why expect it from other relatives, friends, or co-workers when our children are not doing what we want them to do?

People from different families have no similarities in culture and ideas. Because of this difference, it is very difficult to coordinate with others.

A person's good or bad culture influences their every decision. For the same reason, there can be ideological differences between husband and wife in the family. Due to this, there is no coordination among the people working together in the office.

Knowing that not everyone has the same temperament, why waste your precious time, energy, and peace of mind by escalating disputes over small things?

Many people today try to control the behavior of others rather than change themselves. It does not change the person, but the person trying to control it becomes stressed and can eventually become depressed.

Such people have no idea how much they are harming their physical and mental health by thinking about others day and night.

So everyone should remember that you should not be stressed and angry because of others. We don't expect too much from others. Because if someone does not act according to our expectations, anger and stress arise in our mind without any reason.

No matter where you are at home or in the office, if someone tries to break your morale by behaving badly, don't waste your energy arguing with them. When you argue with them, you show the same negativity.

Remember, sometimes when you scold someone out of anger, but it doesn't affect him at all. We scold someone for a minute but, on the contrary, it disturbs our minds throughout the day and we cannot think why this is happening.

In fact, every good and bad thing we do comes with us. On the contrary, if we love and respect someone, our minds will automatically be happy and we will be blessed by others.

We are all connected to each other through good or bad behavior. If you want to be happy all day long, respect, and love others.

We don't have to do anything else to be happy, good deeds are the basis of our happiness. If you scrutinize your inner self well, you will find that the stress is inside the mind.

If you really want the best for the people around you, you need to pay attention to the response of your mind. Your reaction to any other behavior should not be wrong.

The basis of a happy life is to teach the art of being happy even to people who are living under stress due to balanced behavior. This applies not only to the family but also to business relationships. Everyone should make efforts on a personal level to make the environment positive.

To change the mind correctly, it is necessary to practice in a planned manner for at least fifteen to twenty days.

Make a checklist of the tasks and balanced behaviors you need in a diary and honestly evaluate each of your good and bad behaviors through the same checklist before going to bed at night.

Also, before going to bed every morning and night, repeat the phrase 'I am a healthy and happy person' and 'Every cell of my body is full of positive energy'.

This practice communicates new enthusiasm in your mind and you can always be happy even in difficult situations.

Does Sweet Food Cause Diabetes?

 Does Sweet Food Cause Diabetes?

Many people say that they do not get diabetes if they do not eat sugary foods. Diabetes is not the only cause of diabetes.

Hereditary and other factors are more responsible for diabetes. However, in the case of diabetes, eating sugary foods can lead to uncontrolled sugar.

Diabetics are often advised to eat sugar-free cheese. While the diet of diabetics should be not only sugar-free but also calorie-free. What is being said now is that diabetes is a hereditary disease. That is, it is a contagious disease. This means that those who live a life of luxury and comfort are afflicted with this disease.

This means that those who seek Ashram are physically inactive. Do not work Do not exercise They eat sweets. This kind of bad lifestyle is also causing diabetes now.

There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. The difference between the two is easy to spot. In type 1 diabetes, insulin-producing cells are destroyed by the body's immune system. However, in type 2 diabetes, the body cannot use the insulin produced by the pancreas.

Diabetics should eat less, even in small portions. But, you also need to eat. What people think is that diabetes occurs in old age. However, it can affect all age groups. From children to adults.

Why does diabetes occur?

We don't get enough sleep at work. Some people have a habit of going to bed late at night and getting up early in the morning. However, not getting enough sleep can lead to various diseases. Diabetes is one of them. You need to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. However, if the amount of water is not enough, the amount of blood sugar in the body increases.

Eating late at night increases body weight. This makes the blood sugar level unbalanced. People who are overweight, if they do not take any initiative to control obesity can develop diabetes. A sedentary lifestyle makes the body a reservoir of disease. Life should be active. This requires regular exercise.

Friday, January 1, 2021

21 WHO Health Tips for 2021

21 WHO Health Tips for 2021

Role: As we welcome the 21st year of the 21st century, we are deeply concerned about how to protect our health.

1. Eat natural foods

Today, the whole of humanity is forced to suffer from many diseases due to the artificiality of food. Therefore, there is no alternative to making food natural and healthy. Making food natural means using food as naturally as possible. Using food naturally is extremely beneficial for health.

Besides, special care must be taken to ensure that the naturalness and nutritional value of the food are not lost during cooking. Steaming, frying, and long-term cooking destroy the natural properties of food. Similarly, eating a balanced diet is equally important for health care.

There should be diversification in different types of food items to make the food balanced. Consumption of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, water, and bran is a balanced diet and in addition to grains, pulses, nuts, and tubers, an adequate amount of fruits, vegetables, milk, yogurt, ghee, mohi, sprouts, etc. should be eaten.

Generally, we are consuming adequate amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, but not enough vitamins, minerals, and fiber. We need to have enough fruits and vegetables to get the required amount of vitamins and minerals.

The World Health Organization recommends that an adult consume 5 portions or 400 grams of fruits and vegetables. In this way, adequate intake of fruits and vegetables can prevent micronutrient deficiencies and prevent the spread of non-communicable diseases.

2. Let's adopt a healthy way of cooking

Today we are forced to face many kinds of health problems due to not knowing how to cook healthy food or cook food properly. Unhealthy food cooking involves cooking food in a healthier way, such as undercooking, overcooking, or using harmful chemicals. When food is not cooked properly, bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites can enter the body.

These bacteria can cause more than 200 types of diseases. In the same way, when food is cooked more than it needs, the nutrients, micronutrients, and proteins present in the food are decomposed and the food becomes worthless.

In the same way, adding harmful chemicals to food can make food toxic. Fish should not be overcooked or roasted. To make food healthier, the World Health Organization recommends keeping food clean, not mixing cooked and raw foods, cooking it with pleasure, not overheating over high heat and high heat, and using only healthy and safe spices.

3. Let's reduce the amount of salt

Salt is a compound made up of two elements called sodium and chloride. Both of these elements are essential elements for our body, but when we consume more or less of these elements than required, many problems appear in our health. Even high salt intake raises blood pressure.

Once blood pressure rises, many problems appear in our health. In fact, 2.5 million people die of starvation each year without knowing how to eat salt, and millions of people are forced to live with chronic problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, paralysis, and kidney failure.

Therefore, the World Health Organization has recommended not to consume more than 5 grams of salt daily to live a healthy life. 5 gms of salt daily, about 2 gms or 2000 mg. Sodium is replenished. Similarly, 3.5 grams or 3500 mg of potassium should be supplied to our body daily. For this, it is advised to eat potassium salt instead of sodium salt.

To reduce the amount of salt we need to look for both visible and invisible sources of salt. Self-contained salt in food is a visible source, while already salted foods such as salty, lentils, spicy, old pickles, bhujia, etc. are invisible sources. When choosing foods, you need to know which foods contain the most salt. For this, you should not eat too much food if the salt is too high.

4. Don't eat too much sugar

Sugar is another healthy food after salt. Eating too much sugar in children causes tooth decay while eating too much sugar in adults causes obesity. In the same way, people who eat sugar have type 2 diabetes, heart disease, dandruff, various types of cancer, stress, anxiety, and depression, premature aging, fat accumulation in the liver, kidney damage, uric acid increase. Therefore, it is better not to eat sugar at all, but if you have to eat sugar, you should not eat more than 5 percent of the total calories.

5. Let's not eat unhealthy smoothies

To live a healthy life, you have to eat a controlled amount of fat and unhealthy fat should not be included in the diet. Unhealthy fats are mainly saturated fats and trans fats. Saturated fats are found in animal fats such as meat, eggs, ghee, sauna, butter, cheese, margarine, cream, coconut oil, palm oil, lard, etc. Trans fats are found in biscuits, cookies, vegetable oils, and oils that are heated frequently or over high temperatures.

When choosing fat, unsaturated fat should be selected. The main sources of unsaturated fats are vegetable oils such as almonds, apricots, avocados, zucchini, soybeans, sunflowers, olives, canola, and some special species of fish. There is recognition.

6. Let's not drink alcohol

Alcohol consumption kills 3.3 million people every year. In addition to death, long-term use of alcohol can lead to physical, mental, social, and behavioral problems. Similarly, with alcohol consumption, problems such as fatty liver disease, liver cirrhosis, cancer, heart disease, alcohol dependence, road accidents also appear. Therefore, it is not good to drink alcohol under any pretext.

7. Let's not smoke or use tobacco

Smoking and tobacco use kill 7.2 million people a year, and millions of people are forced to live with the adverse health conditions it causes. Tobacco use or smoking increases the risk of various cancers, as well as chronic diseases such as heart disease, asthma, cough, respiratory diseases, stroke, type-2 diabetes. In the same way, smoking affects the health of the people around.

8. Stay physically active

The fact that a person who smokes a cigarette daily carries the same risk of cancer as does a person who is not physically active may surprise many, but it is not surprising. Because those who lead sedentary lives not only have cancer, but also heart and blood vessel diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, high blood cholesterol, obesity, osteoporosis, osteopenia, kidney stones, bone loss, intoxication, shoulder joint jam, mental bowel syndrome, and intestinal cancer. It also causes depression, vascular atherosclerosis, deep vein thrombosis, constipation, acidosis, indigestion, and insomnia.

According to The Lancet, the rising tide of inactive life does not prevent the 3.2 million direct deaths worldwide and the 25 million preventable deaths associated with other diseases each year. Being physically active means expending a lot of energy on the body's muscles. Spending energy in this way increases the metabolic activity in each of our cells and keeps the cells healthy. To be physically active, go for morning walks, run, skipping, beating, running a trade mill, playing sports, swimming, jumping on a trampoline, trekking, dancing, yoga, aerobics, Zumba, ballet, Activities such as salsa, hiking, cycling on the road, static cycling, going to the gym, climbing stairs, kumfukrante, usu playing, boating, doing water exercises, engaging in karma bari or garden work can be done.

The World Health Organization recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity a week to prevent disease and 300 minutes of physical activity a week to live a healthy life. Those who know how to do physically active exercises can also do some strenuous exercises to gradually strengthen the muscles.

9. Check your blood pressure from time to time

Today, one in four adults in the world suffers from high blood pressure, and 95 percent of them suffer from high blood pressure. High blood pressure is not a disease in itself but the mother of hundreds of diseases. This can lead to problems such as heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, eye attack (loss of vision), heart-swelling, narrowing of blood vessels, swelling and rupture, and mental and emotional illness.

Therefore, high blood pressure is diagnosed and treated in time. Diagnosis of high blood pressure should be done from time to time by using a device called a sphygmomanometer to check your blood pressure and if it is found to be wrong, it should be controlled by taking medicine.

10. Cover nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing

Today the whole world is plagued by airborne diseases. Health problems such as influenza, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and covid-19 are airborne diseases and these diseases kill millions of people every year. As these diseases are contagious, to prevent these diseases, the droplets of feces like saliva, sputum, the saliva of the patient should not be spread to other people and for this, the nose or mouth should be covered with a handkerchief or towel while coughing or sneezing. If you are suffering from such a disease, you should use a surgical mask or KN-95 mask throughout the transition period.

In other cases, if you have a cough or sneeze and you do not have a handkerchief or tissue paper, you should bend your elbows and cover your nose and mouth. Similarly, a person who is coughing or sneezing should not do such activities as sniffing or touching his mouth.

11. Avoid mosquito bites

Mosquito bites have spread many diseases such as malaria, kala-azar, Japanese encephalitis, yellow fever, chikungunya, dengue, and elephantiasis. In fact, mosquito bites kill people every year and make millions sick. The best way to prevent these diseases is to avoid mosquito bites. Measures such as using mosquito nets or mosquito repellent while sleeping to prevent mosquito bites, regularly spraying mosquito repellent in infected areas, destroying mosquito habitats (water freezing areas) can be adopted.

12. Let's drink healthy water

Lack of safe drinking water has led to the spread of waterborne diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, hepatitis-A, typhoid, and polio. Today, 2 billion people around the world are forced to drink unsafe and unhealthy water, which causes millions every year.

People are killed by unsafe drinking water and many people are infected with waterborne diseases. Therefore, drinking water needs to be clean, healthy, and safe. To ensure water security, we need to check the source of the water we are consuming. If the source is clean, the water can be filtered or boiled for 5 minutes.

13. If you are depressed, love someone you trust

Depression affects about 260 million people worldwide, and depression accounts for 90 percent of all suicides worldwide. The life of a person full of despair is constantly filled with pessimistic thoughts and the hope of life ceases to exist and as the condition progresses the patient even commits suicide. If you have a depressing situation in your life, don't be discouraged and don't feel alone, but share it with your friends or seek the advice of a psychiatrist. Depression doesn't do anything if you can control it in time.

14. Do not use antibiotics indiscriminately

Due to the overuse of antibiotics, antibiotics are no longer working. The main reason for this is the development of antibiotic resistance in the body. Bacterial infections can be difficult to cure if antibiotic resistance develops, which can lead to poor treatment, long hospital stays, high medical costs, and high mortality rates. Therefore, do not use antibiotics as you like and take them only under the guidance of a skilled health worker.

15. Get in the habit of washing your hands

Dirty hands can spread many diseases because the hands are constantly touching germs, toxic chemicals, and allergens and these hands are also touching the nose, mouth, eyes, and other parts of the body. Infectious germs, toxic chemicals, and allergens enter the body in this way and we get various diseases. Therefore, keeping the hands clean can prevent many diseases. Hands can be washed with soap and water or a substance containing 70 percent alcohol.

16. Get regular health checkups

By having regular health check-ups, we can prevent the disease from getting worse or even control it at the right time. The disease can be treated better if the disease is detected in time. So go to a health professional near you and get a regular health check-up.

17. Don't drink sugary drinks

Sugary or sugary drinks such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, Fanta, Mirinda, Dew, carbonated drinks, Red Bull, Red Tiger, XL, Strongbull, Erna, and energy drinks. Drinks like Real, Active, Burst, Pran, Rio sold in the market under the name of Saka are rich in sugar. These 250 ml drinks contain 25 to 30 grams of sugar or corn syrup and in addition to sugar, alcohol, citric acid, phosphoric acid, bisphenol A, benzene, and many other food preservatives are added.

These drinks contain 500 ml per day. Consumers have a 99% increased risk of developing latent diabetes in adults due to a suicidal immune system and a 20% increased risk of developing type-2 diabetes. Osteopenia, kidney stones, osteoporosis, constipation, acidosis, indigestion, gastritis, gastric ulcer and bowel cancer, mental stress, anxiety and depression, insomnia. So it is better not to use these drinks.

18. Get enough sleep

Our body needs good food and adequate exercise as well as adequate rest. The most natural method of rest is sleep. The health of those who do not sleep well cannot be good. Therefore, sleeping well is not an option for a healthy life. Weight gain, insulin resistance, decreased physical and mental capacity, increased risk of heart disease and stroke, increased risk of type-2 diabetes, weakened immune system, mental problems such as stress, anxiety, fear, depression, and depression in those who do not sleep well. Problems such as nausea, subtle inflammation in the body, and becoming emotionally fragile.

Do not look at bright lights before going to bed at night. Intense light stops the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. Similarly, mental problems such as stress, anxiety, fear, and depression, a sedentary lifestyle also prevent sleep. Therefore, everyone who wants to live a healthy life should try to sleep well.

19. Let's give importance to the bacteria in the stomach

Even though the bacteria in our stomachs are bacteria, they are our best friends. There are more than a thousand species of these bacteria and about four hundred trillion. Collectively, they weigh about 1.5 to 2 kilograms, which is equal to the weight of our brain. These bacteria perform several activities, including helping the baby to digest the milk it drinks, producing short-chain-fatty-acids by digesting fiber and bran, and strengthening the immune and nervous systems. Eating foods high in fiber and bran, such as cereals, pulses, nuts, groundnuts, vegetables, fruits These bacteria can be kept healthy by not eating artificial sweeteners, by eating foods that contain probiotics, by breastfeeding newborns for two years, by not eating processed foods, by eating vegetarian foods, by eating foods that contain polyphenols, and by not taking over-the-counter antibiotics.

The health of these bacteria has many benefits such as the health of our stomach, heart health, muscle health, immune system health, diabetes control, weight control.

20. Don't skimp on water

Water makes up 70 percent of our body. Most of the biochemical activities that take place in the body take place through water or without water these activities cannot take place. Not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration and many biochemical reactions and oxidative stress caused by dehydration. Oxidative stress causes the cells to die on their own and degenerative diseases to emerge. Drinking enough water will help to purify the blood by removing toxins accumulated after the metabolism that prevents fat from being absorbed. Performs functions such as smoothing of excreta. Drinking water before the onset of headaches can lead to headaches, low blood pressure, gallstones, kidney and gallstones, obesity, joint pain, indigestion, insomnia, acidity, gastritis, ulcers, constipation, hemorrhoids, diabetes, tea, diarrhea, diarrhea, menstrual cramps, menstruation. Prevents diseases like hormonal disorders, high and low cholesterol.

21. Let's keep the relationship alive

When the relationship between individuals is not good, people become sick not only mentally and emotionally but also physically and socially. Various studies have shown that people who have good relationships with family and friends are healthier and live longer than people with weak relationships. So we have to keep our relationship alive.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Food classification and quantity

Food classification and quantity

To give strength to the body, to keep the body moving, to make the body healthy, we have to take food from external sources. We walk, sit, jump, play, work. In this case, the body gets the necessary energy from food. Our physical organs are also weakened, they are damaged. Therefore, food is also needed to compensate for that. In short, food does the following.

Food classification

Depending on the function of the nutrients obtained from the food, it can be divided into three parts.

One, substances that provide energy for physical development, growth, and biological function

Two, bodybuilding nutrients

Three, health-promoting substances

Variety of balanced diet

Different people need different amounts of nutrients in their food according to their different functions.

Age - In childhood, when the body develops, the child needs more fat and protein. In old age the digestive system is weakened, then the need for these elements decreases.

Climate: Cold-prone countries use more heat than summer-prone countries. Therefore, more food is required than expected in a cold country.

Gender - Women need less food than men.

Exercise - Excessive energy or heat loss in the body of a person who does physical exertion. More food is needed to make up for that.

These are the basic things about food. Our physical condition also determines why we eat, how much we eat, and how we eat. However, we should eat as much as the body needs. We should eat food that can be easily digested.

Catering formula

1. Eat fresh, nutritious, balanced, and digestible food.

2. As much as possible, let's eat our own cooked food. At least eat cooked at home.

3. Eat at least four or five meals a day. Eating more often but in smaller amounts helps the digestive system.

4. Try to diversify your diet throughout the day. Eat a balanced diet.

5. Let's make breakfast compulsory in the morning. Don't eat too much after sunset in the evening.

6. Emphasis should be placed on seasonal and natural foods.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Get enough sleep: neither too much nor too little

Get enough sleep: neither too much nor too little

Whether it is modern development or lifestyle or globalization, all these have disturbed our sleep. The World Health Organization (WHO) says the global human community's sleep is being disturbed in recent years. The modern economy has changed the schedule of most people. Many are now forced to work late at night or at night.

Due to the growing need and the pressure of work to support it, people's working life has been extended. It directly attacks sleep. Many people do not get enough sleep. The effect is being seen in their health.

Insomnia or lack of adequate sleep has increased the risk of many chronic diseases and problems such as stress and restlessness. Thus, with sleep deprivation, various mental problems have started to appear. There are more than 80 types of sleep disorders. Also, it causes problems like heart attack, depression, high blood pressure, memory loss.

That is why sleep does not come

Most of us know that getting enough sleep is essential for good health. Despite knowing this, we are not getting enough sleep. Not only the busyness of work but also social networks like Facebook have disturbed our sleep.

We don't do any exercise before going to bed, we drink ice cream, dessert, or hot coffee. It affects sleep. It is better to do light exercise but not hard exercise which makes you feel tired.

- Do not watch scary movies or violent content before going to bed.

- Let's not keep accounting or practical things in mind.

- Let's not sleep much during the day.

- Let's not consume alcohol for sleep.

- If you take a sleeping pill to get a good night's sleep, you should take it one hour before going to bed.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Who is afraid of a heart attack?

Who is afraid of a heart attack?

Many now have high blood pressure, obesity, and cholesterol problems. These problems increase the risk of a heart attack.

However, winter weather is not considered favorable for heart patients. External cold causes the nerves to constrict or constrict. This causes difficulty in blood flow. Whose direct burden falls on the heart. Several factors increase the risk of a heart attack in winter.

A blockage in the blood vessels to the heart can lead to a heart attack. There are three main causes of blood vessel obstruction.

- Fat accumulates in the blood vessels

- The tube is broken

- If the blood pressure rises and affects the heart

Signs of a heart attack

Acute chest pain is generally considered to be a sign of a heart attack. However, this is not the only sign of a heart attack. Even before a heart attack, there are other signs on the skin that we can be aware of. When the health of the heart is disturbed, various signs start appearing on the skin. By recognizing the sign and being alert in time, the potential danger can be avoided.

If small bumps suddenly appear on any part of the body, it indicates that you have heart disease. This is seen when the level of cholesterol in the body increases. Therefore, one should be careful after such a sudden appearance.

It looks like a sack that encloses with a drawstring. For some, it may even look like a frozen candle. In addition to the eyes, such slippery hands and feet can also appear. If you have these symptoms, your cholesterol is out of control. This can increase the risk of a heart attack at any time.

Be careful if the skin on any part of your body looks blue or purple, as it is a sign of an unhealthy heart. Such symptoms often appear around the toes. A blue, purple rash on the skin means that there are blood clots in any part of your body and not enough oxygen. When blood accumulates in an artery, the artery becomes blocked, which can lead to a heart attack.

Swelling of the upper part of your finger can also be a sign of a heart attack. Swelling of the nails is usually a sign of a heart infection or other disease. Sometimes lung problems also show such symptoms. However, all of these signs can cause a heart attack.

Be careful if you suddenly see a blue or purple mark under your finger. It also indicates heart disease. Of course, such a Nissan injury may also appear. However, if there are no injuries, you should see a doctor immediately. If it looks like a small sore on your hand or toe and it is painful, it is also a sign of heart disease.

Monday, November 23, 2020

8 ways to protect yourself from covid infection in cold

8 ways to protect yourself from covid infection in cold

The cold weather has already begun. The coronavirus, which is believed to be more active in cold weather, has affected the lives of ordinary Nepalis at this time. There is a situation where one cannot walk freely.

Corona infection can also be transmitted to a friend who lives in your own home or works in an office. That is a state of anxiety for both. But in this case, what can we do to avoid infection from a friend?

1. Check

If someone in your home has been confirmed to have a corona infection, it is best to get tested for corona immediately. The medical director of Los Angeles, Dr. Scott Branstein says: "Even though we have a negative test report, we still have to look at ourselves as potentially infected, rather than thinking we're safe." If someone tells you not to take the test until you see the symptoms, you have to stay in quarantine for 14 days. If he shows no symptoms for two weeks, he may feel safe until then.

2. Restrict contact

Officials at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say the only way to avoid the epidemic is to limit contact.

A person who is infected with corona should be kept as separate as possible from others. If possible, separate bedrooms and toilets can be provided for corona infections.

Even when staying at home, you should keep a distance of 3 feet with your family members. According to experts, reducing contact means that even if you come close to the infected person in some way, there will be no severe infection.

You can also take full care of a person infected with corona but enter their location as needed. For example, bringing food to the infected person from a distance, not staying in the same room with the infected person for a long time, only going to the infected person's room using safety equipment, etc.

3. Do not obstruct airflow

Always keep the windows and doors of your living room open. This means that a possible corona infection brought by someone in a room should not be transmitted to other people in the same room.

4. Wear a mask

The mask is essential for both infected and non-infected parties. The World Health Organization has mentioned the criteria of the mask and the way it is worn. Doctors say that even if you wear a disciplined mask according to the criteria, you can avoid coronavirus infection to a great extent. ‘All members of the household, especially the infected person, should be encouraged to wear mandatory masks. The mask helps prevent infections that can come from an infected person's nose and mouth.

However, wearing a mask does not guarantee 100 percent protection against the contraction of the coronavirus. But to a large extent, it helps prevent corona. Doctors have also mentioned the quality of the mask. Cloth masks are also said to be suitable if the quality is met. But no matter what the mask is, it is mandatory to cover the nose and mouth completely. Also, you should wear glasses for safety.

5. Wash hands, kill germs

Washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is also a way to prevent the coronavirus. Especially patients have to wash their hands. Use hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol where soapy water is not readily available.

6. Eat healthy food

It has been found that many people in Nepal drink gurja water during the coronavirus epidemic. But not only that, eating healthy and nutritious food is essential for health.

However, the most important thing is to eat a healthy diet and lose weight, not to feel comfortable in times of stress and uncertainty. With the right lifestyle, we can defeat the coronavirus. Healthy eating helps prevent serious illness.

7. Rely on reliable sources

Friends, family, and social media can be a source of information. But what is the way to avoid the corona epidemic by following the official information? How to deal with people who are corona positive, what to eat after being positive, and what not to eat? An official source of information should be sought for information on such matters.

A lot of misinformation can come on social media and the internet. Such information can be dangerous.

8. Consult and consult with a friend

Friends find it easier to express their feelings during difficult times. Work with such friends to get advice and suggestions.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Let's not make these mistakes in winter, we will get sick

Let's not make these mistakes in winter, we will get sick

During the growing winter, we often use various methods to protect ourselves. So that we can avoid problems in the cold. But there are also small mistakes that can be made at such times, which can increase their risk of health problems or infections. This requires that we change our normal lifestyle to protect ourselves in cold weather and to fight any infection.

Our health is at risk due to climate change. Colds and fevers are commonplace at this time. To avoid these things we must avoid some mistakes.

The habit of drinking less water

Many people drink less water in the winter, due to which the body does not get enough water. Which can later lead to health problems. However, everyone should drink water regularly even in winter, so that the body does not become dehydrated. With it, you can go out regularly.

Irregular eating habits

Don't eat too much outside food in the cold. Excessive oil consumption in outside food can lead to poor eating habits. Everyone knows how oily food affects our health. This can put you at risk for many health problems. For this, you need to eat your own home-cooked food and healthy food.

It is better to include a lot of green leafy vegetables in the diet. Which communicates positively to our health. Besides, it protects against many types of infections. Most children are addicted to such fast food. Such work should be stopped by the child.

Abandon exercise

Exercise is very useful to keep us physically and mentally healthy. When you exercise in winter, it feels warm and active throughout the day. But many people stop exercising because of the rising cold, which makes them feel sluggish at home. However, you should exercise regularly in winter to avoid laziness and stay healthy. With the help of which you can stay healthy for a long time.

Do not use a moisturizer on the skin

Cold air during the winter can make your skin completely dry and can even damage the skin. To avoid this, we should use moisturizer regularly to keep the skin moist for a long time. But many people show their summer habits even in winter. They do not use any moisturizer even in the winter season, which makes their skin completely hard and dry. It also increases the risk of many skin problems and infections.

Don't drink too much alcohol

Alcohol harms our health from many angles, as you all know. However, many people still drink heavily in the winter. Due to which many health problems start to occur, to avoid this, the consumption of alcohol should be limited even in cold weather. Reduce intake as much as possible. With it, you can stay healthy for a long time.

The tips above are about common mistakes made during the winter, which can help you stay away from your daily schedule and keep yourself healthy.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

General rules to protect the kidneys

General rules to protect the kidneys

The function of the kidneys is to purify the blood in the body. When kidney function is impaired, the body becomes toxic. One load after another is added. Eventually, the whole body becomes weak and sick.

The treatment of kidney disease is cumbersome. Not only cumbersome but also expensive. Not only expensive but in some cases even impossible.

Doctors say that our bad habits cause kidney disease. Our diet is the cause of kidney disease. Some people have congenital kidney disease, while others have kidney disease due to external causes.

It is better to have kidney health than to seek treatment for kidney disease. For this, we need to change our habits.

Reduce salt intake

Salt is high in sodium. Excessive sodium intake can cause high blood pressure in the body. While many kidney problems are caused by high blood pressure, high blood pressure also causes kidney problems.

Not only that, but the consumption of too much salt also increases the chances of kidney stones. And, if you have kidney stones, if not treated in time, it can damage the kidneys.

Adequate water intake

Adequate water intake is essential to keep the kidneys healthy. Drinking three to four liters of water a day helps the kidneys excrete toxins from the body. But it is important to pay attention to the fact that even more than the required amount can affect the kidneys.

To control the disease

In the case of diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart-related problems, the disease should be controlled by taking medicine immediately in consultation with the doctor. Because many of these types of diseases affect the kidneys first, it is important to control various diseases in the body to keep the kidneys healthy.

Do not stop urinating

The best way to keep your kidneys healthy is to stop urinating or to urinate from time to time. Prolonged retention of urine can harm the kidneys. Also, having less urine, less than two liters of urine can also harm the kidneys, so it is important to keep the kidneys healthy and to see if there is any problem in the kidneys.

Balanced diet

Lately, people have been suffering from kidney-related problems at an early age due to poor diet, excessive consumption of junk food, and dehydration. Therefore, it is important to consume nutritious food including vitamins, minerals, and proteins to keep the kidneys healthy.

Eating a nutritious and balanced diet provides proper nutrition to the kidneys and increases its efficiency. While unhealthy, inedible and chemically mixed foods available in the market harm the kidneys and reduce its efficiency.

Consumption of liquids

Adequate water intake is just as important as fluid intake to keep the kidneys healthy. In particular, fruit juices, lentils, and other beverages provide the body with adequate amounts of fluids.

These fluids contain all the essential nutrients that the body needs. Consumption of soft drinks, tea, and coffee available in the market can adversely affect the kidneys. Therefore, it is important to always be careful not to consume such liquids.


Not only kidney patients but also common people should always take the medicine only after consulting a doctor before taking it. Just like in any pain, you should not take happy medicine. It can damage the kidneys badly.

Smoking and alcohol

Smoking and alcohol can also affect the kidneys. Smoking and alcohol poison the body. Due to which the kidneys lose their ability to work.


Research has shown that even obese people have a higher risk of developing kidney disease. This risk is twice as high in obese people as in normal people. Therefore, it is important to avoid obesity to avoid kidney-related diseases.

Regular health check-ups

The best way to prevent kidney damage is to have regular health checkups. Regular tests of urine, blood, and kidneys can prevent kidney-related diseases. Also, if someone in the family has diabetes, high blood pressure, heart attack, and cancer, regular health check-ups after the age of 30 can prevent kidney-related diseases and even serious diseases through early screening.

Natural remedies for colds

Natural remedies for colds

Now people get scared of the flu. They begin to doubt themselves, "Isn't Corona somewhere?"

The initial or common symptom of the corona is the common cold. While now the cold weather has started. Even in the cold, most people suffer from the common cold. In most cases, the flu is not considered as complicated. After a while, it heals on its own. If you are suffering from a cold, you should drink plenty of hot water, liquids and rest. After this, there is no need for medical treatment.

However, the elderly, the sick, and children are also at risk of being harassed a little more. They are at risk for pneumonia due to the cold. Therefore, it is important to take some precautions as winter begins.

With the onset of the common cold, many have a tendency to seek medication. However, home remedies are sufficient for the common cold. Similarly, it is best to take hot water steam when you have a cold. It opens the closed nose and also benefits the lungs. Steaming hot water from time to time can get rid of the problem of the cold quickly.

At the same time, some of these medicines can be used, which are easily available in your home. For example, basil water. Some basil leaves should be boiled in water and consumed. It also happens when chewing basil leaves. Basil is also suitable for other problems. In winter, colds are often accompanied by fever, pneumonia, bronchitis, sore throats, and lung problems. In this case, the consumption of basil is useful.

The use of basil does not make the chest feel cold. Even if it is cold, it produces phlegm. It also reduces chest pain. Basil has an amazing ability to have a healthy effect on the membranes of the respiratory system.

You should drink a mixture of ginger, chili, and basil tea, it has many health benefits. Basil leaves are needed to make tea. It should be dried and powdered. It requires well-ground pepper. The dry ginger powder should be mixed. Now boil this mixture in hot water. After boiling well, cover with a lid for about five minutes. One hundred grams of sugar should be added to it. It cures colds, headaches, nasal congestion, nausea, and obstruction of the airways.

Similarly honey and hot water. Hot water mixed with honey gives a lot of relief in colds. Similarly turmeric and milk. Mix a teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of hot milk and drink it.

Even if ginger juice is mixed with honey, the cough goes away. If you have a cold, boil ginger in milk or tea before going to bed at night. Tampa's health improves quickly. Boil cardamom in tea and drink it to cure a cold.